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赛跑诌以极高的速度起跑。The runners set off at a pace.

起跑的枪声响了。The starting-gun shot split the air.

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这些马正在等待起跑令。The horses are now under starters orders.

起跑前应将肌肉放松。Relax your muscles before starting to run.

枪声一响,赛跑运动员就起跑了。The runners started when the gun went off.

那匹马从起跑门跑得太早。The horse broke away from the starting gate.

那些马已各就各位,它们起跑了!The horses are settling down and they're off!

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赛马从起跑门外起跑。The racehorse got away from the starting gate.

这只是很多次起跑中的一次,但是他做到了。It was only one of many first steps, but it worked.

起跑器运用于追逐赛和竞速赛中。Staring block is only used in pursuit and team sprint.

一周岁的斯柯达,未来之路该如何蹒跚起跑?For one year Skoda, how should they start their future?

有一名队员,会准备起跑并主罚这个点球There's one guy who's going to run up and kick the ball.

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在不同的起跑点上起跑,那么竞争就不公平。at different starting points, that race isn't going to be fair.

我在赛跑中最后一个起跑,但不久就赶上了其他人。I started last in the race but I soon caught upw ith the others.

枪声响起,“预备起跑”,挡不助的是健儿们如火般的气势。Shots ring out, "ready to start", not to help athletes like fire.

运动员比赛时不使用起跑器,听信号统一起跑。When athletes do not use Qiboqi, listening to signal unity start.

它们能静止不动地站很长时间,但随时可以起跑。They can stand still for a long time, but are always ready to run.

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一群大大小小的动物随着起跑的信号奔向不同的方向。At a signal, a motley group of animals ran in different directions.

起跑前,全体与会者向汶川大地震遇难者默哀一分钟。A minute of silence was observed for the quake victims before the run.

冬训期间我主要练的就是起跑和前三栏,明天的比赛正好可以检验一下。My focus this winter will be on the start and the first three hurdles.