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也要更有选择性。Be more selective, too.

让我来做个选择性的假设。Let me put an alternative hypothesis.

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此外,型别程式库是选择性的。Moreover, a type library is optional.

什么是后应急选择性除草剂?。What is Post-Emergent Selective Herbicide?

可以选择性共享每个用户专用的挂载树Per-user mount trees with selective sharing

保险公司也要面临选择性偏差They also have to deal with selection bias.

对VCT医务工作者的选择性。Alternative to the medical personnel of VCT.

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他有选择性地用词。Frost has made a suggestive choice of words.

选择性局部锐化东西不容吧可施用。No selective area sharpening should be done.

怎样看待性别选择性堕胎?。What Do You Think of Sex-selection Abortion?

目前,咱们就把它算做地图的选择性。For the moment, let's say it is not selective.

抗菌素引起菌丛的选择性变化。Antibiotics produce a selective change in flora.

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基因改造病毒可选择性地杀死癌细胞Engineered Viruses Selectively Kill Cancer Cells

依普利酮是选择性的醛甾酮拮抗药。Eplerenone is a selective aldosterone antagonist.

按下的按键会选择性地显示在主控台视窗中。The pressed key is displayed in the console window.

此反应表现出高度的立体选择性。The reaction was found to be highly stereoselective.

反应有较好的立体选择性。Good stereoselectivity in this reaction was observed.

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中国严厉打击性别选择性流产。China to harshly crack down on sex-selective abortion.

当然鞋的舒适性和可选择性是不够的,SIDI更是制鞋技术的领先者。And as if fit was not enough, SIDI is a technology leader.

干扰元素能被选择性滴定剂所避免。Interfering elements can be avoided by selecting titrants.