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这种言论我以前听过。I had heard this before.

至少可以说这种言论太偏激了。Extreme to say the least.

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我们有言论自由。We have freedom of speech.

新闻界终于获得言论自由。The press is unmuzzled at last.

他们以不实言论抨击他。They assailed him with slander.

这么说,并无丝毫种族言论。This saying is not a racialism.

迈凯轮众隆索言论又何感想?Aron Cable's remarks will think?

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他的言论是叛国的。His speech was a treasonous one.

我们谴责一切诽谤中伤的言论。We condemn all sorts of slanders.

有时候他们会说言论。Sometimes,they would tell sayings.

这又是一种愚民言论吧。The time is full of weird remarks.

他的言论被报以嘘声。His remark was greeted with hisses.

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请张贴在中山言论广场,谢谢!Please post at nsysu board, thanks!

如果你想要你的言论更有分量,If you want your voice to be louder,

他们为言论的自由而奋斗。They combated for freedom of speech.

她对他的傲慢的言论发怒。She bristled at his insolent remarks.

有些言论批评神户的反应。Some have criticized Kobe’s response.

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政府钳制报纸的言论自由。The government muzzled the newspapers.

我们有言论自由,以证明这一点。We have freedom of speech to prove it.

在泡沫言论盛嚣尘上的同时,建筑商们还在继续修建房屋。Builders, meanwhile, continue to build.