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她撇下丈夫和孩子,撒手人寰。She left a husband and a baby.

1944年,奥特雷撒手人寰,身后萧条。Otlet died in 1944, a broken man.

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他妻子撒手人寰时,他们最小的孩子才两岁。When his wife died , the baby was two.

没想到几天后,母亲由于突发严重心脏病,撒手人寰。A few days later my mother died of a massive heart attack.

弗莱明当时并不知晓自己在五个月后会撒手人寰。Flemingwas not to know that within five months he would be dead.

不过那总会带来紧张和不安,甚至你会有即将‘撒手人寰’的感觉。But it always creates anxiety and uncertainty, maybe even a sense of dread.

因为心力衰竭,罗伯特的母亲在警察赶到时已经撒手人寰。Robert's mother, who suffered from an enlarged heart, was dead by the time police arrived.

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尽管金大中先生已撒手人寰,关于援助和弃核问题孰先孰后的争论,仍在继续。Despite Mr Kim’s death, the debate continues about which—aid or renunciation—should come first.

泰勒即将撒手人寰时,妈妈和他谈起死亡。When it became apparent that he wasn't going to survive, Tyler's mom talked to him about death.

由于捐肾者非常有限,显然意味着每年都有数千病人在等待肾脏中撒手人寰。With the limited supply of donors, that means thousands of patients die each year waiting for a kidney.

我的丈夫去年撒手人寰,他解脱了病魔的缠绕终于奔向自由。Last year, I had lost my husband who was suffered from illness painfully and left for the heaven in the end.

对我来说,去留太容易了,撒手人寰,让丈夫和孩子去收拾残局。For me, life is easy. I am going to die and it is my husband and children who will be left to pick up the pieces.

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该修女在一起袭击中撒手人寰,该袭击事件与教皇本月上旬对伊斯兰教的评论引发的暴力冲突有关。The nun died in an attack possibly linked to the violence stemming from the Pope's remarks of Islam earlier this month.

供给不足以及欠缺开辟殖民地的经验使早期边疆开拓者大都因历经苦难而撒手人寰。Inadequately supplied and untutored in the art of colonization, the earliest frontier pioneers routinely suffered and died.

供给不足以及开辟殖民地经验的欠缺使早期边疆开拓者大都因为遭受苦难而撒手人寰。Inadequately supplied and untutored in the art of colonization, the earliest frontier pioneers routinely suffered and dies.

自从十来年前她丈夫撒手人寰,留下两个十多岁的孩子和她的双亲之后,她就一直开出租车养家糊口。She has been a driver ever since her husband died some ten years earlier and left her with two teenage kids and her parents to support.

现在再想想你是如何度过你在世的这些时间的?你的生活是丰富充实呢?还是在你尚未开始真正生活时就已经撒手人寰。Now think about how you spent your time on Earth. Did you live life to its fullest or did you die before you really had a chance to live?

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因此,在这个以三十韶华年纪便撒手人寰的青年女作家身上,其理想追求、坎坷人生和个性气质都呈现出独特的魅力和景观。So this young female writer who died on her thirties, shows us her special glamour by her pursuing for dreams, rough life and personality.

一旦他撒手人寰,上台的很可能是某位与军队关系密切的人物,而穆巴拉克时代将划上句号。If he is gone, a figure with closer ties to the security establishment is likely to become president. The Mubarak era would then truly end.

他们听到微弱的呻吟,赶紧打开棺材,发现妇人还有气息!她多活了十年,终于撒手人寰。They hear?a faint moan. They open the casket and find that the women is actually alive! She lives for ten more years, and then finally dies.