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哪个条约将上海开放成了通商口岸?Which treaty opened Shanghai to foreign trade?

烟台,中国第一批对外开埠通商的城市之一。Yantai is one of China's earliest open port cities.

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唐家璇还会见了韩国外交通商部长官柳明桓。Tang also met with ROK Foreign Minister Yu Myung-hwan.

它对通商起到的作用很大,So historically, it was very important for the business

在两地之间,有一条通商大道,骆驼队来往不绝。In between, there is a trade thoroughfare, camels and incessant.

作为近代中国最早的五个通商口岸之一的上海。Shanghai was one of the first five treaty ports in modern China.

水陆交通方便,是通商、投资的理想环境。Surface traffic convenience, trade, the ideal investment environment.

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现在,我司作为丰田通商集团的一员开始了新的起点。Now, LTM, as a member of Toyota Tsusho Group, has entered its new era.

韩国外交通商部长官柳明桓说,北韩的行动也许有其政治动机。Foreign Minister Yu says the North's actions may have a political angle.

该条约在1842年南京看到了开放的上海为通商口岸。In 1842 the Treaty of Nanjing saw the opening of Shanghai as a treaty port.

同时大量的民间贸易充斥其中,因此它又有调剂余缺、通商惠工等经济功能。Because it involves lots of folk trades, is conductive to the economy there.

香港在150多年前开埠之时是中国的通商港。Hong Kong was founded as a port for the China trade just over 150 years ago.

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他们最先来到“大西洋加拿大“捕鱼及与土箸通商。They first came to Atlantic Canada to fish and trade with Aboriginal peoples.

在一个国际交流和通商频繁的时代,新疾病会迅速蔓延。In an age of international travel and commerce, new diseases can spread rapidly.

盛顿和樱桃树的故事对于美国人那么熟悉。在20世纪初,他象征着对通商口岸、租界和多。In the early 20th century he became a symbol of resistance against the treaty ports.

孟国和骠国是中印两国间横跨大陆的活跃的通商之道。The Mon and Pyu kingdoms were an active overland trade route between India and China.

上海是我国对外开放最早的通商口岸,园林风格丰富多样。Shanghai is the earliest open trading port and her gardening style is rich and varied.

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博斯沃思还和韩国外交通商部长官金星焕举行了会谈。Bosworth also held a separate meeting with South Korean Foreign Minister Kim Sung-hwan.

2004年1月,卢武铉发布命令,任命潘基文为外交通商部长官。January 2004, Roh Moo-hyun issued an order, the appointment of Foreign Minister Ban Ki-moon.

它是中国对外通商最早的城市,公元200年前这里便成为中国海外贸易的枢纽。As the oldest trading port in China, Guangzhou was a foreign trade hub as early as in 200 B.C.