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雅思考试的用途是什么?What is IELTS useful for?

雅思目前很热门。IELTS is very hot at the moment.

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是否有雅思考试的资料?Are there any IELTS materials for sale?

哪些院校可以承认雅思考试成绩?Which institutions accept IELTS scores?

你有雅思或是托福,赛达成绩吗?Do you have the IELTS, TOEFL or SAT score?

我们直接参与雅思和职业外语水平考试。We are directly involved in IELTS and BULATS.

你为什么没有考雅思或是托福,赛达考试?Why didn't you take TOEFL, IELTS or SAT tests?

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雅思口语学习技巧雅思口语学习技巧10.06.13。How to improve your pronunciation Tips 10.06.13

郑州雅思学校我决没有想到过要占你便宜。It never occurred to me to take advantage of you.

朗阁的志愿是建立一个雅思帝国。Longre's ambition is to build an empire of IELTS.

一位已通过雅思考试的女孩诚征一位24岁左右的男生。An IELTS clear girl required for a 24-year-old boy.

雅思代考你知道这些衬衫都卖半价了吗?。Do you realize that all of these shirts are half off?

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我想它们大都倾向于坚持雅思考试的高分。I think they mostly tend to insist on good IELTS scores.

目前许多大学毕业生都报名参加雅思考试。At present many a college graduate registers for the ELTS.

昨晚收到一学生来信,索要雅思试题例文,请求我帮着写一篇!Last night, I got an Email for a sample writing by myself.

雅思听力测试部分是雅思考试中最难的。The Listening Test is the most difficult of the IELTS Sub-tests.

何处负责接收有关雅思考试的投诉和建议?Who will handle complaints and suggestions regarding IELTS test?

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明年打算出国留学,所以正在准备学习英语,备战雅思考试。I plan to go abroad for a further study, so I am preparing for IELTS.

雅思考试的机考模式在全球一些国家推出。Computer-based IELTS test is introduced in a few countries world-wide.

我的设想是如果我能通过六级,我就去考雅思。My assumption is that if i can pass the CET-6, i can go for the ielts.