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词汇学是研究语言词汇的一门学科。Lexicology is a subject which studies words and phrases.

英语词汇学是语言学的一个分支。English lexicology itself is a sub-branch of linguistics.

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现代词汇学已经获得了较大的突破。The study of modern lexicology has made great breakthrough.

“理据”是历史词汇学的一个重要概念。Etymon is an important concept in the historical Lexicology.

本文重点对词汇学中的标记现象和标记理论进行了研究。This study seeks to analyse Markedness Theory in the area of lexics.

新词是词汇学研究的重要方面。The study of neologisms is one of the important aspects in lexicology.

第四章概括出网络英语在词汇学方面的特征。Chapter four abstracts the lexical and semantic features of web-English.

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论述了语料库实证研究对词汇学的影响和作用。This paper comments on the effect of corpus empirical studies on lexicology.

对于词汇关系的研究在语义学和词汇学领域已有很长历史。The study of lexical relations has a long history in semantics and lexicology.

论述了语料库实证研究对词汇学的影响和作用。This paper comments on the of effect of corpus empirical studies on lexicology.

词汇学是语言学的一个分支,研究词汇的起源和意义。Lexicology is a branch of linguistics, inquiring into the origins and meanings of words.

80年代以后,词汇学界将研究重点转向佛经文献。From the 1980's, the lexis reseachers changed their focus to Buddhist literature language.

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采用词汇学假设,探讨了知识分子的人格结构。Personality structure of intellectuals are explored based on the hypothesis of lexicology.

作为一种预制性语言,习语一直是词汇学研究的重点之一。As one kind of prefabricated language, idioms have been studied all the time in lexicology.

本文从词汇学的角度出发对英语词汇的规则进行了探讨。This paper starts from lexicology and studies the laws and regulations for English lexicology.

在研究英语词汇学时,关于词的形态结构和构词法的几个专业术语常常会困扰人们。In studying English Lexicology , the terms about the morphological structure and word-formation often confuse us.

美国有位词汇学教授曾经说过,难以想象一个没有读过圣经的人能够学好英语。An American lexicologist once said that it is hard to imagine one can learn English wel without reading the Bible.

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从词汇学的角度来研究方言,进行方言特征词的研究是近几年来方言研究中引人关注的一部分。The study on the Character-Words of dialect is a part that attracts much attention in the study of dialect recently.

同样的,众所周知,在词汇学上,年龄对语言的学习是没有影响的。In the same way, it is well known that the age of acquisition of a language does not have an influence on vocabulary.

现代汉语新词语的色彩研究既有社会语言学意义,更有汉语词汇学价值。The color research of neologism in modern Chinese not only has sociolinguistic meaning, but also has the value of Chinese lexics.