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她舍身救孩子。She gave her life to save her child.

残心和舍身不可分割的联系在一起。Zanshin and sutemi are inextricably linked.

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母亲将会舍身救自己的孩子。A mother will sacrifice her life for her children.

为了追求真理,他不惜舍身求法。He is willing to sacrifice himself for his pursuit of truth.

你会舍身救你的国家元首吗?Would you give up your life to save the president of your country?

她的弟弟也被击中,多亏了姐姐舍身保护,才活了下来。He was also hit, but survived, thanks to the sacrifice of his sister.

他们为爱舍身的典范,对世人的教诲和影响既深且巨。Their self-giving pursuits for love set great examples of sermons on human beings.

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宗天保任职护卫员的科学园大火,他舍身救了女研究员高玉。Zong Tianbao served the guards he saved the park fire, the female researcher Gao yu.

残心是由舍身一击、以及基于这种打击气势所自然产生的。Zanshin is a natural by-product of one's commitment to, and momentum from, the attack.

到那时,你就会明白为什么中国各地都有舍身崖了。You will understand by that time why Chinese each region did have gives self up to the cliff.

他舍身上十字架,赦免你的罪,让你和上帝恢复关系。He died on the cross so that you could have your sins forgiven and have a relationship with God.

连日来,黄福荣舍身救人的事迹在香港和内地广为传颂。In recent days, Huangfu Rong heroes of the story in Hong Kong and the Mainland to be widely spread.

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在天崩地裂之际,灾区教师用舍身忘我、拼死保护学生的英勇行为,奏响了最动人的乐章。In the earth cracking, teachers' heroic that sacrificed themselves to protect students set the virtue music.

那天晚上,这些人制定了一个援救威尔的计划。每个人都愿意舍身去救他们勇敢的朋友。That night the men made a plan to rescue Will. Each of the men promised their life to save their brave friend.

我要用最虔诚的心向天神祷告,愿舍身祈求上天降雨。I want to pray to God with my utmost sincere heart and I am willing to sacrifice my life to plead God for rain.

遂将“舍身崖”改名为“爱生崖”,后人又在崖上刻“哀愚”二字,以示众生。Ordered to "Shenya" renamed "Love Health cliff", later also in cliffs carved "sad stupid" word, to show beings.

林薇急了,将参军以来一件件舍身忘死日以继夜的工作事情摆在罗天刚眼前。Linwei anxious, will join the army since a suicide forgotten dead things work day in and day out in front of Luo Tiangang.

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因公牺牲是舍身为公的英雄行为,我认为这件事属于因工死亡较合适。Sacrifice in line of duty is more of giving one's life to the public service. So I think 'die at his post' is more suitable.

在漫长的历史演变中,“人牺”意象逐渐被置换变形为孝子的“舍身”。In the long history of evolution, "human sacrifice"image has been gradually replaced by children's "sacrifice of his own life.

小春的舍身相救感动了何花奶奶,她打从心里接受了四季四姐弟的存在。Doing more of less touched He Hua grandma, she knew the in the mind to accept the existence of four siblings of the four seasons.