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它能运行孤岛危机么?。Can it run Crysis?

没有谁能像一座孤岛。No manis an island.

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他住在一座孤岛上。He lives on a lonely island.

让我迷恋更久的,是陈绮贞的那首孤岛。No man, or woman is an island.

今天,没有一个国家是一个孤岛。Today, no nation is an island.

就是星星群岛中的一个孤岛。Island in archipelagoes of stars.

山洪从山上流下来,爱德华被冲到一个孤岛。Edward was drifted to an isolated island.

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我觉得自己是世界孤岛余生2中文版上最幸福的人了。I feel I am the ha iest person in the world.

他常常在回家的路孤岛余生12金像上顺便来看看我。He usually dro in at my place on his way home.

他独处于孤岛之中觉得乏味得要死。He was dying of boredom in the isolated island.

兰屿岛在当时是很荒凉的孤岛。Back in 1969, Lanyu was a rather desolate place.

因此出现了冗余和不一致的信息孤岛。Islands of redundant and inconsistent information arise.

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前面,黑森森的松树长成一个个孤岛,浮在平原上。All ahead islands of dark pine trees rose out of the plain.

在早期版本中,每个项目本身是个孤岛。In previous versions, each project was an island unto itself.

你手下的领导者们都应该知道如何进行横向合作以消泯信息孤岛吗?Do your leaders know how to work horizontally and across silos?

她离开了我,这还不如把我一个人留在孤岛上算了。She left me, it's no better than left me with an isolated island.

那件事发生在一个我记不得名字的孤岛上。It happened on a lonely island of which the name escapes my memory.

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那修院对冉阿让来说,好象是个四面全是悬崖绝壁的孤岛。This convent was for Jean Valjean like an island surrounded by gulfs.

在太平洋的孤岛上,生命就像悬在刀刃上一样,总是朝不保夕。Life on an isolated Pacific island is eternally poised on a knife-edge.

被动式的孤岛检测方法存在较大孤岛检测盲区。The passive islanding detection methods have large none detection zone.