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这里有两排方格But there's two rows of checkers.

我把这个小方格画大一点I'm just going to blow up that box.

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用尺在这页纸上打上方格。Square the page off with your ruler.

我同意。我也喜欢方格图案。I agree. I like checkered patterns, too.

画图纸被整齐地划成方格。The drawing paper is neatly squared off.

将格线指示区拖曳到方格外。Drag the gridline indicator off the grid.

数独,在方格中放置单独符号。Sudoku, place unique symbols in a square.

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我喜欢捉迷藏,跳方格。I prefer hide and seek and jumping squares.

在第二个方格上,我想要两粒大米。On the second, I'd like two grains of rice.

三变量卡诺图有八个方格。The three-variable Karnaugh map has eight squares.

由布莱克和莫顿两人提出的管理方格图。The managerial grid, developed by Blake and Mouton.

请用x号在表格上的小方格内标出您的意见。Please x your ideas in the little boxes on the form.

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第三个方格四粒大米,以此类推。On the third, four grains of rice and so on and so on.

孩子们在人行道上划方格玩“跳方”游戏。The children squared off the footpath to play hopscotch.

在这个小亭子下,只要愿意,任何人都可以在一个小方格上画点什么。At this booth, anyone who wanted to could paint a square5.

请于方格内用铅笔印压您信用卡卡面的号码。Please imprint your card face number in this box by pencil.

将指标移到方格滑轨的格线指示区上。Move the pointer over a gridline indicator in the grid rail.

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如产品附合要求,请剔取方格。Please tick in the box if the product meets the requirement.

玻璃纤维布或称方格布是由直接无捻粗纱机织而成。Woven Rovings are fiberglass fabric woven of direct rovings.

图3给出了立方体的方格被线性化的另一个示例。Figure 3 again shows how the cells of the cube are linearized.