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另外,经过不断地整理与凝练,我的思想已经不再是“妄想”了。Besides my thoughts were no longer “delusion”.

罗密欧与朱丽叶的爱情故事在威尼托上演,炽热深情一如阿玛罗尼的凝练醇厚。The love story of Romeo and Juliet never fades, as with the passion of Amarone.

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有时没有言语,没有名言,能够凝练概括当天的事。Sometimes there are no words, no clever quotes to neatly sum up what's happened that day.

在我看来,这些教条的精义是一种模式,如同诗歌中十四行诗的形式,以凝练的方式表达信仰。To me it is a pattern, like the sonnet form in poetry, for the compact expression of faith.

这幅楼阙图,用笔凝练,设色浓重,展示了雄伟浑厚的大唐风度。The strokes are simple, the hues are thick, manifesting the power and grandeur of great Tang.

2004年份的赤霞珠,酒色亮丽浓郁,如红宝石般殷红,突出表现了该款酒的凝练和丰满。The 2004 Cabernet Sauvignon has rich, ruby color, which highlights the concentrated lushness of this vintage.

通篇是煞费苦心的隐喻和隐晦的暗示和这一时期流行的复杂长句,却符合葛拉西安凝练而精致的风格。Generally elaborate metaphor and far-fetched allusions go with long and involved sentences of the periodic type.

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思想文化是中国古代文化的灵魂,它以凝练、严谨的理论形式反映了中国古代文化的本质。As the soul of ancient Chinese culture, thinking reflects its essence in the form of concise and coherent theories.

在日本的近代作家中,芥川龙之介以创作高度凝练、蕴涵丰富的短篇小说著称。Among modern Japanese writers, Akudagawa is famous for creating highly condensed short novels of abundant connotation.

在艺术上,它以谨严和凝练的艺术特质,克服早期平民化诗歌的弊病,形成了一种坚实质朴的诗风。In art, it features a solid rustic poetry by precise and concise to overcome early shortcomings of the civilian poems.

这里,一位真正热爱建筑的艺术家将两个学科-艺术与建筑-融会贯通并凝练出其精华。Here, an artist with a real love of buildings brings the two disciplines – art and architecture – into, and out of, focus.

所以,任军选择它,是希望它作为通行的关键性动作来凝练地传达某种当下集结的群体性心理态势。Therefore, the reason why Ren Jun chooses it is that he hopes to express concisely some current psychology of a group of people.

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由于它们形式简洁凝练,语义丰富多彩,因而被广泛应用于人们的日常生活和文学作品中。Due to their conciseness in form and colorfulness in meaning, they are widely used by a large number of people in our daily life.

广告语以其凝练、通俗、生动、形象和音韵和谐的特点而备受消费者的青睐以及普通人的关注。Advertisements deserve people's attention and become the focus of the consumers because of its concise, vivid and rhythmic features.

最尊敬的法官们,它是从灯油、灯芯以及我所无法道明的那种可爱神秘的热量中凝练而出的。It is distilled, most reverend Judges, of oil and wick, together with that sweet secret heat of whose birth no words of mine can tell.

深邃的思想内涵和博大的精神境界,又使得他的作品具有了历史般的沉着凝练和史诗般的磅礴恢宏。His profound thinking and broad scope of spiritual conception contribute to the historic massiveness and epic-like extensiveness in his music.

作品构图精巧别致,笔墨浑厚粗重,色彩清新淡雅,线条氤氲流畅,具有凝练、简洁之风,别具匠心,独树一帜。The work is drawn exquisitely and uniquely with its vigorous ink, fresh and elegant color, and fluent and dense lines. It is concise and unique.

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真正的作品应该是凝练的、压缩的、有选择的、可变化的和可替换的词汇和用语-语句的色彩、声音和形式的价值研究。The real work is condensing, compressing, choosing, changing, shifting words and phrases, -studying values of colour and sound and form in words.

而我们的愿望和信念则在于,过去那些优秀作品的凝练和标杆将推动并支撑在未来产生优秀的作品。It is our hope, and belief, that the sophistication and standards of the best work from the past will inspire and support the best work for the future.

诺贝尔奖评审委员会称赞56岁的穆勒“以诗的凝练和散文的平实,描绘了被驱逐者的境况”。The Nobel jury hailed Mueller, 56, as a writer who "with the concentration of poetry and the frankness of prose, depicts the landscape of the dispossessed."