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一所真正的大屋。A real house.

我是个真正的警察。I'm a real cop.

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还是老老实实的买一匹真正的马吧。Get a real horse.

他是一个真正的好男儿。He is a true Hero.

乔是个真正的朋友。Joe is a true pal.

那是一棵真正的树。It was a real tree!

真正的纤夫!Real boat tracker !

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真正的敬拜是要付代价的。Real worship costs.

这是一头真正的小猪。This is a real one.

这是一个真正的打击。This is a real blow.

你是我真正的好兄弟。You are my real bro.

是真正的珍珠吗?Are they real pearls?

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吃你真正爱吃的。Food you really love.

这是真正的自由。This is true freedom.

什么是真正的爷儿们?What is the real man?

我无法真正做到这样。Ican’t really do that.

这些就是真正的梦。Those are real dreams.

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真正的他妈的美满生活!Fuckin' real good life!

它是一只真正狩猎用的猎犬。He was a hunting hound.

但是什么是真正的美呢?But what is true beauty?