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塔昆已经劫夺了我的忠贞的标志。Of that true type hath Tarquin rifled me.

劫夺也会减损行星的能量。Interceptions also detract from planetary power.

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教士们虔诚地唱了一首赞美诗,把这劫夺行为神圣化了。The priests piously consecrated the robbery with a hymn.

复式星座还告诉了我们如何处理劫夺星座所带来的困难,这个章节会对劫夺星座做进一步的说明。In fact, duplicated signs show us some of the ways we can get around the difficulties caused by our intercepted signs.

窦马利和喜功曾经同属一个剿匪队。在战争中,剿匪队在本村进行了敲骨吸髓的劫夺。Now Mali was a partner of Hsikung in a bandit suppression organization that had milked the village pretty dry during the war.

传统宗派对抗科技联盟以保护魔法,也为防范劫夺者与灭世者的掠夺而战。The Traditions fight to preserve magic against the Technocracy, and to defend against the depredations of Marauders and Nephandi.

通货膨胀的实质是政府从公民手里劫夺财富而又根本无意归还这笔财富。The reality of inflation is that governments steal money from their citizens with absolutely no intention of repaying that money.

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某些反对最激烈的人甚至神经质地暗示,这些宝物一旦出境可能会被劫夺,再也回不来了。Among the most extreme opponents there were even paranoiac suggestions that once gone the art might be hijacked and never returned.

某些反对最激烈的人甚至神经质地暗示,这些宝物一旦出境可能会被劫夺,再也会不来了。Among the most extreme opponents, there were even paranoiac suggestions that once gone, the art might be hijacked and never returned.

反过来,我们可以说哪里有外婚制被发现,我们可以安心地期待在一定的调查之后,发现劫夺,至少是劫夺体系的痕迹。Conversely, we may say that, wherever exogamy can be found, we may confidently expect to find, after due investigation, at least traces of a system, of capture.

贪爱自身的人,会千方百计地为了解除饥渴和疾病而不惜捕杀池鱼与飞鸟走兽,甚至埋伏于道中伺机劫夺路人。Wishing to relieve our bodies' ills, our hungry mouths, the dryness of our throats, we lie in wait along the road and steal the lives of fishes, birds, and deer.

这首诗写了诗人所爱的人被有权有势的人劫夺的悲哀,也反映了当时封建社会由于门第悬殊所造成的爱情悲剧。The poem describes the sadness of the poet when his beloved one was robbed by the rich and powerful. It also reflects a love tragedy caused by differences in social status.

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食物未经思惟而吞后,身体或许可以由食物中的营养而得以强壮,但是心意的进步,将由美妙的滋味而被劫夺了。The body may be strengthened by the nourishment the food provides after it is swallowed without contemplation, but the mind will then be robbed of its progress by that pleasant taste.