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他想用核弹轰掉那个地区。He wanted to nuke the area.

世界应该禁止核弹。World should bann the nuclear bombs.

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核弹在我手上,猜猜会怎么样?Now I get the nukes. Guess what, Deak?

钋是用来引爆核弹的。Polonium is used to set off a nuclear bomb.

以前用核弹炸过日本,你敢对中国那样吗!Harish sahoo Can u nuke China like Japan ! ! !

朝鲜有核弹而伊朗可能不久会步其后尘。North Korea has the bomb and Iran may soon follow suit.

或万一,在墬机之外,一个核弹爆炸了呢?Or what if, upon crashing, one of the nukes had exploded?

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陶利星系的叛军声称他们有核弹来交易。Rebels in the Tauri System claimed they had nukes to trade.

把一个商用的反应堆当作是核弹,正如把凡士林当作凝固汽油炸弹。A commercial reactor is to a bomb what Vaseline is to napalm.

还有为什么我们不能在伊朗搞出核弹前轰掉伊朗?And why not just whack the Iranians before they get the bomb?

按我们所讲的军事等级,那属于热核弹道武器。We're talking military grade, for multi-megaton ballistic weaponry.

话音刚落,朝鲜人便在几天后实验了另外一颗核弹。As it turns out, the North Koreans detonated a test bomb just days later.

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核弹轮现在火灾与一个标准的榴弹炮射击轨迹。The nuke round now fires with the trajectory of a standard howitzer shot.

另一方面,日本是一个拥挤的岛国,缺乏测试核弹的空间。For another, Japan—a crowded island nation—lacks the space to test a bomb.

伊朗可能会拉掉偷藏起来的核弹,把整个地球炸掉。Then iran might pull out its secret stash of nukes and blow up the planet.

核装置的大小。核弹的爆炸力越大,受影响的范围愈大。Size of the device. A more powerful bomb will produce more distant effects.

核弹爆炸所产生的过量碳14迅速遍布全球。Bomb blasts created a surfeit of C-14 that quickly dispersed around the globe.

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去年朝鲜进行了第二颗核弹试爆后,韩国全面加入到这次军事联合演习中。It fully joined after North Korea detonated a second nuclear device last year.

美国现在有大约2200枚核弹,而俄罗斯为2800枚。The United States now has about 2, 200 nuclear warheads and the Russians 2, 800.

所有的芬里斯核弹起爆器现在都是安全的,用我们的通讯信号进行安全控制,长官。All FENRIS warhead detonators now secure and slaved to our secure COM signal, sir.