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这块土地太湿,无法耕种。This land is too wet to till.

在他那小块土地上,他只能采用单一耕种法。He had to singel-crop on his plot.

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这是一块容易耕种的土地。This is a field that ploughs easily.

这些荒闲草地从前的耕种者的亲人。Of former tillers of these fallow leas.

这块田由三家耕种。The farmland was worked by three families.

人人都辛勤地耕种花园,使它日渐丰实。Everybody worked to keep the garden growing.

Ndiaye想去耕种那些闲置的地块,他是这样说的。Ndiaye wants to farm the unused plots, he said.

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凡在我地上帮助耕种的也将是你!Whatever goes to the tilth of me it shall be you!

大象不可用来为棉花田耕种。Elephants may not be used to plough cotton fields.

这里的地面多石,不太适于合耕种。The ground here is stony and not good for farming.

这里的地面多石,不太适于合耕种。The ground here is very flat and good for farming.

美国的这些老谷仓适合的是一种旧的耕种模式。America’s old barns suited an old model of farming.

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这块薄地没有人愿意耕种。Nobody is willing to cultivate this infertile land.

房地产会吞噬所有可耕种土地。Real estate would have gobbled all the arable land.

Sohel开始耕种家中那小片土地。Sohel started cultivating their small piece of land.

奶奶和爷爷仍然每年春天都耕种花园。GrandmaGrandpa still planted their garden every spring.

实验田已分给学生们耕种了。The experimental plot was parceled out to the students.

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实验田已分给学生耕种了。The experimental plot was 'parceled out to the students.

这个农民教他的大母猪播种以帮助耕种。To help with planting, the farmer taught his sow to sow.

我们的水果来自严选的耕种区域。Our organic fruit comes from our choice of farming areas.