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我们来比试一下吧。Let us have a race.

如果我是你,就不会再比试!I wouldn't try it again.

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他向我挑战,要和我比试辩论。He challenged me to a debate.

虚争空言,不比试之易效。Attempt is more effective than empty words.

一定要再比试一次才行。Must have a competition one more to just go.

他可以看做是在与圣经比试。We could see him as actually vying with scripture.

莫妮卡和菲比试用“无痛”去腿毛膏。Monica and Phoebe try out a "painless" leg waxing kit.

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比试的结果超过了我们的预期值。The result of the competition exceeded our expectation.

斯科尔斯甚至还兴致勃勃地和孩子们比试了一番。Scholes even in high spirits and a lot of children Bishi.

拿着管状的礼品包装纸,意欲与他人比试。Challenge other customers to duels with tubes of gift wrap.

洙下面是所有感兴趣的私人标志在PM我比试比试。Soo here is the contest for logo all interested private me on PM.

眼睛一亮,居然有武修士在比试?Eyes a bright, incredibly have force monk is having a competition?

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威廉要和我比试一下落袋撞球游戏,但我一下子就将他击败了。William challenged me to a game of snooker but I soon saw him off.

那今晚我们比试一下,让你妈妈当裁判!Oh. Then we have a competition tonight. Let your mother act as a referee!

你要是不跟我比试我坚决不上手术台!If you not with me have a competition me determinedly not final operating table!

大庄主一听是这样便说起赌约之事要和令狐冲比试一下。DaZhuang main a listen to is that they speak of the bet to and make fox blunt a test.

比试时,四人发现,赵大居然同时答应了两方的要求。When competition, four people found that, zhao big incredibly also promised two request.

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为了显示实力,萧崇武让手下大耍一番,然后要和霍元甲比试。In order to show strength, Xiao Chongwu let his big play a, then to Huo Yuanjia and riverside.

三个官员见状无不神色惶恐,立在当场不敢跟萧妃比试剑术。The three officials all looked at the look of fear, put on the spot XiaoFei dare not to see fencing.

老菲比试了大概二十双鞋,每试一双,那个可怜的家伙就得把鞋上的带子全穿好。Old Phoebe tried on about twenty pairs, and each time the poor guy had to lace one shoe all the way up.