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他的面容浮现在我面前。His image rose before me.

如此喜悦的面容。No countenances so beloved.

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他的面容因疲倦而委顿。His face sagged with weariness.

她的面容因悲伤而憔悴。Her face was pinched with grief.

街道袒露出它孤独的面容。The street expose the lonely face.

她的面容因高兴而容光焕发。Her face was transfigured with joy.

他的面容粗犷而干炼。He had a bluff, rough-and-ready face.

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他的面容闪露著幸福。His face was irradiated by happiness.

我不会损毁她美丽的面容。I will not disfigure her pretty face.

他那英俊的面容阴沈沮丧。His handsome countenance was overcast.

于是那母亲的惨白面容也开朗了。And the mother's pale face grew radiant.

惊恐使他的面容失色。Fright drained all colour from his face.

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帕夏会慢慢地展现出它的狰狞面容。Pacha only reveals its terror gradually.

四十个严冬威逼着你的青春面容。When forty winters shall besiege thy brow.

海伦被帕利斯可爱的面容迷住。Helen was attracted by Paris" lovely face."

啊,花一样的面容里藏着蛇一样的心!O serpent heart, hid with a flowering face!

他那英俊的面容阴沈沮丧。The handsome man acts the part of the hero.

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她探身向前,端详他们的面容。She leaned forward to scrutinize their faces.

我说话时,烛光闪到他的面容上。The light flashed on his features as I spoke.

他具有一个受过训练的运动员的清瘦而健康的面容。He had the lean fit look of a trained athlete.