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风向的突然改变,滞缓了森林大火。A sudden change of wind checked the forest fire.

纵观今日中国,有关编制定员标准体系的研究还处于发展滞缓状态。Nowadays, the research of standard personnel system in China is in a stagnant state.

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沿海城市发展滞缓,内地城市有了一些发展。Coastal cities were slow in development while inland cities experience considerable growth.

另外随着2008年世界金融危机背景下阿根廷经济滞缓和旱灾的发生对克里斯蒂娜更是雪上加霜。Moreover, the economy slowed in 2008 in response to the world financial crisis and a drought.

由于购物者节约他们的支出,从汽车代理商到Gap名牌零售折扣店,数月以来销售一直滞缓。From car dealerships to Gap outlets , sales have been lagging for months as shoppers temper their spending.

第三部分则主要讨论了我国古代活字印刷发展滞缓的原因。The last part of this thesis mainly discusses the reason of sluggish development of ancient Chinese movable-type printing.

但是其发展相对滞缓,主要原因是首都圈没有形成合理的城市职能分工体系。But its development is relatively slow. The main reason is that the capital-circle did not form a rational function-system.

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削减开支不仅不能够减少预算赤字,并且导致的失业问题和经济增长滞缓将使赤字进一步恶化。Cutting expenditure will not reduce the budget deficit. The risk is that unemployment and lost growth will make the deficit worse

翻译教学发展滞缓,其根本原因,是翻译课的定位问题。The fundamental cause of the under development of translation teaching is due to the problem of reorienting the translation class.

欧洲经济增长开始放缓,但整体仍保持坚挺。而滞缓的日本经济就全球局势来看仍是一个薄弱环节。Europe is starting to moderate but overall remains firm and Japan which has been sluggish remains a weak link in the global picture.

近年来陶瓷产品发展迅猛,各类陶瓷产品百花齐放,呈现于我们的眼前,但是与之相配套的包装设计却发展滞缓。Ceramics product development swift and violent in recent years, Ceramics product hundred flowers in bloom of all kinds, Appear in us before self's eyes.

伯南克认为,经济活动过于滞缓应会令通胀率维持在低位,暗示联储将在一段时间内维持利率在较低水准.Excess economic slack should keep inflation low, he said, suggesting the Fed -- the U.S. central bank -- will keep interest rates low for some time as well.

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你现在可以得到这个软件的一个免费工作版本,能快速扫描你的整个电脑,确定所有可能导致运行滞缓的注册表错误。You can now get a free working version of the software which will quickly scan your entire PC and identify all of the registry errors that may be bogging it down.

胶州湾口狭窄,北部海域水交换滞缓,同时入海河流较多,认为这是造成北部海域氮、磷营养盐的含量较高的主要原因。The paper thinks more river inflow and the slow water exchange are chief reasons why nitrogen and phosphorus maintain a higher concentration in north Jiaozhou Bay.

九十年代上海农村劳动力非农化转移明显滞缓,但却仍孕育着新一轮深层次的再转移的发展势头。In the 1990s Shanghai transfer of rural labor from the agricultural sector was obviously sluggish. But the process was pregnant with a new round of in-depth retransfer momentum.

危机的直接表现是城乡居民收入增长幅度的差距持续拉大和农村主要生产部门技术进步严重滞缓。One direct crisis is increasing gap of income growth rate between citizen and farmer, the other crisis is serious lag of progress in technology in main agricultural departments.

九月份美联储声明根据需求放宽政策,并表示这是超低通胀和经济的增长滞缓预警要采取措施,这是首次出现这种状况。The next month, the Fed said it was prepared to ease policy if needed and said for the first time that too-low inflation, in addition to sluggish growth, would warrant taking action.

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但高校档案工作中管理观念保守,技术设备陈旧,整理开发滞缓。While in university, because of the conservative concept of the management of the work on university archives and the second-hand technical equipment, the development of it is lagged.

专家分析,近10年来,中国收入差距持续扩大,基尼系数已接近0.5,社会底层劳动者的收入增长严重滞缓,这是造成“穷二代”的直接原因。Experts thought the income gap in China was widened in the last decade and the Gini coefficient was closing to 0.5 showing the income of the bottom of the sociaty increased very slowly.

甘川青交接区域由于其独特的自然地理环境,多元民族、文化、宗教、经济构成及其历史演变的内陆性约束,致使其城镇发育滞缓。In join division of Gansu, Sichuan and Qinghai, restricted by the unique geographical environment and the manifold structure of nationality, culture, religion and economy, the towns developed slowly.