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学习外国语切莫望文生义。Don't interpret it without real understanding when you study a foreign language.

用拆字先生的办法,望文生义,家最初和猪圈有关。So, obviously, home in chinese had certain relation with piggery in ancient time.

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第四,我是个“死板思维者”,我会望文生义地理解你的话。I am a concrete thinker, that means I will interpret your languange very literally.

逼迫症援助,望文生义是指对逼迫症的患者的帮助。Obsessive-compulsive disorder sustainand by definition refers to the help of OCD patients.

“黑洞”很容易让人望文生义地想象成一个“大黑窟窿”,其实不然。"The black hole" very easy to let the human imagine one literally "the greatly black hole", be in effect it is not so.

望文生义,这种计较机的最小系统只用了一片集成电路,即可停止简单运算和节制。As the name suggests, this computer system only used the smallest one IC, you can perform simple operations and control.

关于它的原产地,大多数人可能“望文生义”,认为“杭白菊”一定产自杭州。About its origin, the majority of people may "the words too literally", that "Chrysanthemum" certainly produced in Hangzhou.

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望文生义是语源探求研究中最常见的一种错误的训诂学方法。Interpreting without real understanding is a common error of interpretation of ancient texts in our searching for the etymology.

请不要望文生义,以为“价格歧视”是一种邪恶的行为。Do not want interpret without real understanding please, think " the price is discriminated against " it is a kind of wrong action.

所以我觉得译为“执行摘要”有点望文生义之嫌。“概要”会更明了。Think of the executive summary as an advance organizer for the reader. Above all else, an executive summary has to be clear and concise.

就是对名诗〈迷途〉的理解,望文生义之说,也导致了解读上的多重迷途。Is on the famous poem "Lost" understanding of the words too literally says that he has also led to multiple interpretations on the wrong path.

同时,因社会的变迁与发展,很多地名短语的语义发生了嬗变,翻译时要根据文化背景及语境进行语义选择,切勿望文生义。Therefore, the meaning of a toponymy phrase should never be interpreted superficially but rather determined according to its cultural background and context.

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望文生义地认为伽达默尔的解释学美学也是一种读者中心理论,这是20世纪西方美学史研究的一个严重失误。It is a serious mistake in the 20 century's research about western aesthetics that many researchers regard Gadamer's Hermeneutics-Aesthetics as reader-centered theory literarily.

提倡“以意逆志”和“望文生义”的阅读方法正是对传统阅读方法的矫治,从学生实际来看,它也是可行的。The reading method of interpreting without really understanding the original meaning is the rectification of the traditional ones. This reading method is feasible in terms of student's actuality.