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顺带一说格雷琴也蹲在班房里哦。Did I mention that Gretchen is also in the slammer?

顺带一提,这也是我从小到大最喜欢的连环漫画。This is my all-time favorite comic strip, incidentally.

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你顺带还会学到一星半点函数式编程的知识。You may also learn a thing or two about functional programming.

这些农场生产低成本的肉,顺带呈上病毒作为旁菜。They manufacture low-cost flesh, with a side-dish of viruses to go.

一个人像平时一样去理发店修剪头发,顺带让理发师帮他刮刮胡子。A man went to a barber shop to have his hair and his beard cut as always.

在创建一个数据库时,也会顺带创建一组编目表和视图。A set of catalog tables and views is created whenever a database is created.

是的,我们需要他们签署一张协议书。顺带一提,你将从现在开始处于NPO的状态。Yes, we need them to sign a consent form. By the way, you'll be NPO from now on.

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进店买一块就好,千万别顺带着买了三块,加上奶油花生杯甚至两块焦糖和胡桃巧克力。Don't go in and buy three truffles, a peanut butter cup and two caramel and pecan turtles.

离家6载同时还顺带去了一趟同样位于密苏里州的哥伦比亚市,这种经历往往可以使狗的外表发生很大的变化,但毫无疑问,这条狗的确就是库乔。Six years and a side trip to Columbia can do a lot to a dog, but it was unmistakably Cujo.

在进行日常的机油更换时,顺带检查一下空气滤清器不失为一种两全其美的好习惯。In day-to-day oil change, by check air filter is a good habit of kill two birds with one stone.

在喝茶、用自助午餐甚或去饮水机旁接水时就可顺带着把介绍给公司同仁。Introduce yourself over a cup of tea or lunch in the cafeteria or even around the water-cooler.

所使用的特殊的狙击弹和燃烧弹,顺带一提,这些子弹挺贵的。Special sniper bullets and explosive ordnance are used. Shells are quite expensive, by the way.

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顺带地,我问哈里斯他觉得哪部电影会获得今年的奥斯卡最佳影片奖。Incidentally, I asked Harris which film he thinks will win the Oscar this year for best picture.

顺带一题,其他我曾过工作过的公司,假日是有支薪的。Plus, other companies I'd worked for — when a holiday came around, like Christmas, they were paid.

顺带一提,机器人被送去返修了。The robot will be out of commission for awhile. It's being sent back to its manufacturer for repairs.

顺带一提。在阶段5-6,加入一汤匙的粉末然后侧底摇晃20秒看起来没有改变。By the way. In the step5- 6, Adding a spoonful of the powder and shaking well 20 seconds seems to change.

请惠寄贵公司的手套目录一份,详述有关价目与付款条件。希望贵公司顺带惠赐样品。Will you please send me a copy of your glove catalogue, with details of your prices and terms of payment.

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顺带的,政客们也从公司的高管那里得到稳定的竞选资金捐款。Incidentally, politicians also got a steady flow of campaign contributions from the companies’ executives.

除此以外,如果顺带着赋予1936年退位危机的新视角,这部电影也是很有趣的。As well as this, the movie is an intriguing, if slightly loaded new perspective on the abdication crisis of 1936.

顺带一提,如果你拥有改变中国的权力,你会选择一胎政策还是任泉呢?仅仅只是好奇。By the way, If you have the power to change China. Will you choose one child policy or human right? Just curious.