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您这是客店吗?Is this an inn?

他又跑到客店,客店的门又拴上了。He ran to the inn. The door was barred.

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那种客店也只能算是一种歇马店罢了。That inn of theirs is a sort of a cook-shop.

沿途都有向导和客店为我们预备着。There are guides and wayside inns along the road.

在牙行客店中这一趋势表现得更为明显。This tendency displays obviously in the broker house.

说到这里,一个男子的声音从那客店的底里叫出来Here a man's voice called from the depths of the cook-shop

对不起,客店老板先生,您贵姓?Pardon me, monsieur the inn-keeper, but what is your name?

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“她是我的东家,”那孩子说,“她是开客店的。”"She is my mistress," said the child. "She keeps the inn."

第二天,我回到本葆将军客店和我妈妈道别。Next day, I went to the Admiral Benbow and said goodbye to my mother.

他那些做客店老板的理论,有时会象闪电似的从他头脑里进射出来。His theories as a landlord sometimes burst forth in lightning flashes.

一个客店门前停辆榻车或小车原是件最平常的事。Nothing is more common than a cart or a truck at the door of a hostelry.

所以就在一家小客店里找了许多临时演员。So extras were found at a halfway house, some of them real-life ex-cons.

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“我的朋友,你在布莱克希尔湾的本葆将军客店,”我说。You're at the Admiral Benbow inn, Black Hill Cove, my good man, ' I said.

这客店是名叫德纳第的夫妇俩开的。This cook-shop was kept by some people named Thenardier, husband and wife.

有一天,马维尔带着三本书跑进了乔利·克里克特客店。One day, Marvel, carrying three Books, came running into the Jolly Cricketers Inn.

明清时期不同种类的客店在经营中表现出一定的共性。Different inns display general character in management. First, they are gradational.

于是,他们商定,由客店老板李振群来保管这一笔钱。As a result, they agreed that the inn by the boss Li to keep this group a sum of money.

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她是那么一个扭扭捏捏、男不男女不女的家伙,那些已经破烂的旧小说,对一个客店老板娘的想象力来说,往往会产生这样的影响。Old romances produce that effect when rubbed against the imagination of cook-shop woman.

老海员要了一杯朗姆酒,站在客店外面,一边喝酒,一边向四周观望。The old seaman called for a glass of rum, and stood outside, drinking and looking around.

客店,旅舍近东或远东地区为旅行队提供夜间住宿场所的小旅店,常环绕。An inn built around a large court for accommodating caravans at night in the Near or Far East.