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表弟住在奶奶家。Cousin in grandma's house.

这是我表弟亚历山大。This is my cousin Alessandro.

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他是晶晶和苏兰的表弟。He is Jinjing and Sulan's cousin.

我表弟上个月把手指划破了。My cousin cut his finger last month.

“我表弟是一个好孩子,”她说。“My cousin was a good kid, ” she said.

“可是我在乎,”她的表弟说,颤栗着。But I do,' said her cousin, shuddering.

也许是她表弟。朱宏,翻译!Maybe it's her cousin, Goodspeed, translate!

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她也爱“站卫兵”,把表姊、表弟都罩顾得滴水不漏…And she also loves to stand guard "over" him!

我还是为那个小表弟感到无奈。I also felt sorry for the other little fella!

我的表弟是足球运动员,他是前锋。My cousin is a soccer player,he is a striker.

我在英国的曼彻斯特还有一个表弟。I’ve also got a cousin in Manchester, England.

我的表弟肯总是在课上与别人说话。My cousin Ken always talks to others in class.

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你为什么不同你的表弟再谈一次?。And don't you have another talk with your cousin?

我那表弟马吕斯·彭眉胥,他也要去旅行吗?Is my cousin Marius Pontmercy travelling so, too?

这时小花猫用爪子把表弟的裤子抓破了。The little cat clawed the cousin pants scratched.

你为什么不跟你的表弟再谈一次呢?。Why don't you have another talk with your cousin?

她已经决定把她的小表弟当作一个宠儿。She had resolved to make a pet of her little c in.

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我和我表弟们经常玩躲猫猫到天黑才罢休。My cousins and I usually played it just before dark.

林涛她表弟。拜托你以后不要听风就是雨。Her cousin. Please don't jump to conclusions next time.

便叫我看好表弟,自己到街上去买小花猫。Call me cousin, own up to the street to buy a small cat.