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杀鸡取卵的领子和前。Banded collar and front.

杀鸡取卵领隐藏罩。Banded collar with hidden hood.

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艾美,你不想做杀鸡取卵的事吧。Emmy, you don't want to take the eggs out of that nest.

假若有天我走了,你就杀鸡取卵的把我忘掉。If had the day I to walk, you left no ground forgot me.

那就成了杀鸡取卵,只顾眼前。That will be killing the goose that lays the golden egg.

这就是少年老成的公牛而且他们还在不断成长,是的我们“杀鸡取卵”,把篮筐当成圈饼一样肆虐。Old Baby Bulls and they now so grown up, Yea we takin ova, dunkin like a donut.

那些削减科研费用的公司,等于是在杀鸡取卵。Any company that cuts back on research and development is killing the goose that lays the golden egg.

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作家艾茵·兰德在警告政府和国家不要杀鸡取卵这方面,也不算大错特错。The writer, Ayn Rand, was not entirely off base in warning governments and nations not to kill their golden gooses.

他们把一部分生意转手了,但这部分利润最大。我想他们是杀鸡取卵。They sold part of their business but it was the most profitable part. I think that they have killed the goose that lays the golden eggs.

当球队的名次下降,观众也减少时,他们才醒悟到自己不过是杀鸡取卵而已,但为时已晚。But when their standing fell and attendance also dropped, they realized too late that they had succeeded only in killing the golden goose.

我们不能因为不赞成某些国家的政治制度而停止与他们的贸易往来,那样做等于杀鸡取卵。We can't stop trading with certain countries just because we disagree with their political system ---that would be killing the goose that lays the golden eggs.

“我们正在为08年以来的无所作为付出代价,我们跳过了CBA和候补队的发展而仅仅着眼于奥运会,这无异于杀鸡取卵,”他说。We are paying for what we didn't do leading up to 2008. We skipped the development of a reserve team and the CBA league and focused only on the national team and the Olympics.

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农民并非不能觉察到现行的杀鸡取卵式生产方式是不科学的,他们有天然的直觉来判断生产方式的优劣。Peasants are not unconscious at all of the current unscientific production means of killing the goose that lays the golden eggs. By instinct, they could judge any production means.