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我不能把恐惧显露出来。I could not show fear.

她绽出笑容,显露内心的欢乐。Her smile told her joy.

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她脸上显露出惧怕的神情。Fear was manifest on her face.

根须在积雪下半显露半埋藏And roots half hidden under snows

她从来没有显露出自己的真本事。She hasn"t ever shown her paces."

真想在询问中显露。The truth emerged at the inquest.

有一些创见性的意见开始显露。Some fresh ideas begin to surface.

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她的现实念头是厥后才显露的。Her true motives only emerged later.

她听到这好音讯脸上显露了忧色。Her face lighted up at the good news.

聪明的老师从不显露偏心。A wise teacher never shows favouritism.

那名选手的笑容显露出他赢了。The player's smile revealed that he won.

他的沉默显露出了他的真实意图。His silence threw out his real intention.

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他们就开始显露可憎的面目。They began to reveal the face of heinous.

于是另一个惊人的事实显露出来。So another astonishing fact came to light.

他说他从来没有显露出自己的真本事。He says that he hasn't ever shown his paces.

花朵在春天显露其多姿多彩。In spring the flowers disclose their colours.

明亮的太阳从云后显露出来。The bright sun showed up from behind the cloud.

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运动上唇做显露上牙龈状动作。Campaign upper lip do reveal the gum-like action.

莫札特在早年显露出对音乐的卓越才能。Mozart early showed a remarkable talent for music.

好战的姿态常常显露了内心的骚动。A militant attitude often betrays an inner turmoil.