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你在自己地心变暖阳。You are in my heart warming Yang.

月亮代表地心低落!the moonlight stands for my heart!

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谁是第一个反对“地心说”的人?Who was the first against "geocentrism"?

地心吸力使苹果落地。An apple falls by the force of gravitation.

一颗朴拙地心在希冀你地信赖。A sincere heart in expectation of your trust.

地心吸力让我们能在陆地上正常生活。The gravity enables us to live naturally on land.

由于地心吸力,长途飞行会感到筋疲力尽。Because of gravity, long flight would be exhausted.

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那好比打破杯子却怪罪地心吸力。That's like blaming gravity for the glass you broke.

扣篮是需要与地心吸力对抗。Slam dunking a basketball is a fight against gravity.

说明地心不垂直与地球表面。Geocentric not with the vertical surface of the Earth.

我们今天都知道“地心说”是错误的。Today, we all know that this "earth center theory" is wrong.

地心吸力把物体吸向地心。The force of gravity pulls things towards the earth's centre.

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保持一颗追根问底地心,不接受”现状“。Maintain an inquisitive mind and do not accept the status quo.

如果没有地心吸力,我们的脚就不能再站在地面上了。When there is no gravitation , our feet no longer stay on the ground.

我想要你牵起我的手,用你真诚地心说出爱我。I wanna you take my hands, and say you love, with you heart sincerely.

意愿将暴力性存有送到地心极光或太阳中,那么这就会如此。Intend to move violent entities to the aurora or the sun, and so it is.

托勒密的地心说已被认为是一个范式例子。Ptolemy's geocentric theory has been taken as an example of a paradigm.

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人们认为,他们是天外来客或地心孩子。It is believed that they were Extraterrestrial or Hollow Earth Children.

整个诊室的喧嚣霎时间远了,大地裂开口子,他直接坠入地心。The office of the moment, the earth is split into earth cut him directly.

有很长时间以来,地心地球被悬置在唯有光明和爱中。For a long time the inner earth has been suspended in only light and love.