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后来,人们就用“坐井观天”来比喻一个人的思想狭隘。Later, people use it to describe the ones who have a very narrow view.

提醒我还需要不断学习和提高,不能坐井观天。In order to improve her English , she wants to make friends with a high school student in your country.

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难道他们还是坐井观天,没有见过世界各地的天主教会是怎么样的吗?Are they blind? Have they not had a chance to see how the Catholic Church works in the rest of the world?

坐井观天,夜郎自大,是反对改革的人的通病。甚至连生物学也告诫我们,长期的安逸舒适不利于生物。Having limited outlook and being ignorantly boastful are common failings of the people in opposition to the reform.

希望能给论坛中的小白上一课,尤其是哪些说在线支付安全的小白,麻烦你们别在坐井观天了。The hope can give BBS of small white a lesson, especially what said the safety of the online pay small white, you don't look in trouble.

组织的有效性并不在于那个称为理性的坐井观天的概念。它是清晰的逻辑和强有力的直觉的融合。Organizational effectiveness does not lie in that narrow minded concept called rationality. It lies in the blend of clearheaded logic and powerful intuition.

组织的有效性并不在于那个称为合理性的坐井观天的概念。它是清晰的逻辑和强有力的直觉的融合。Organizational effectiveness does not lie in that narrow minded concept called rationality. It lies in the blend of clearheaded logic and powerful intuition.

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井里的青蛙自打出生就一直呆在井中,它所看到的天也只是井口那么大,于是人们又嘲笑它是知之甚少,坐井观天。Well frog stays in well from its birthday to its death. The sky it can see as just as big as the mouth of the well. So people also laugh at its ill-informedness and narrow view.

甚至一直认为地球是宇宙中心,你们就如坐井观天的井底之蛙,而我又将此提高了一个境界----------中央旋转黑洞。Or even that the earth is the center of the universe has always been, you sit idle as the frog in a well, and I was raised a realm of ---------- this central rotating black hole.

诚然,这是“水墨艺术”现代转型的阶段性成果,也是必然需要经历的过程,它和“坐井观天”有着本质性的区别。Indeed, this is a periodic result of the modern transformation of "ink painting art" as well as a necessary process to go through, distinguishing itself from the "narrow-mindedness" in essence.

中国有“坐井观天”的经典成语,但是,对于应对气候变化的人类,比这种目光短浅的可怜虫的比喻更恰当的可能就是“温水里的青蛙”了——当温度慢慢加热时,青蛙从来不想跃出去,直到最后被烫死。When it comes to climate change, human society has been like the proverbial frog in the pail on the stove, where the heat gets turned up very slightly every hour, so the frog never thinks to jump out.