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这火灾被认定为是责任事故。This fire was determined to be an accident caused by negligence.

这种非学校责任事故分为两种。Sports injury accidents can be divided into schools and accidents.

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通过调查认定,都是重特大责任事故。These accidents have been ascertained through investigation to be major liability accidents.

从具体缘由来看,发生重大责任事故是触发引咎辞职的惯常缘由。In the concrete causes, great duty accident is the usual cause of taking the blame and resigning.

医疗事故除包括责任事故和技术事故外,还应包括医疗差错。Medical accident should also include medical error besides liability accident and technical accident.

我们不但要预防食品责任事故,还应正视它的发生。We have not only the responsibility to prevent incidents of food, but also face up to it from happening.

近几年来各类重大责任事故频发,使得重大责任事故罪成为关注的焦点。In recent years, various serious accidents happened very often, which make criminal major accident become the focus.

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结合一件案例,通过重大责任事故罪的构成要件加以分析阐述。Combined with such a case, the thesis gives an analysis of important composing documents through an important liability accident.

结合司法实践案例我们分析了重大责任事故罪的形成原因,在此之后笔者逐条阐述了本罪的相应预防政策。Conbined with practice case we discussed the reason of the fatal accident crime and then discuss the defending policy separately.

目前我国犯罪形势非常严峻,尤其是重大责任事故类犯罪与暴力犯罪特别突出。At present, the crime situation in China is austere, especially about crime of negligently causing a serious accident and violence.

必须依法确认各种具体的医疗事故,正确区分医疗责任事故与技术事故。We must define various kinds of concrete malpractice according to law and distinguish correctly the malpractice and the skill accident.

农民工安全生产责任事故频发,必须重视农民工安全教育。With the frequent accidents happening in the work of migrant workers, importance must be attached to the safety education of migrant workers.

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新的修订同时带来了针对本罪罪名的争论,通过分析本文赞同重大责任事故罪的罪名细化。However the new stipulation brought disputes on the name of this crime. Through analysis this paper agrees with the specialization of the name.

如不按规定程序操作而造成的责任事故,将由当事人及分场长承担。The operator and head of workshop will bear responsible if the operator does not follow the prescribed procedures and cause liability accident.

对于重大责任事故罪的法定刑设置,本文着重强调应在自由刑之外增设财产刑和资格刑,以更为有效的预防和惩处重大责任事故犯罪。We stress that we can defend and punish this crime by adding property punishment and qualification punishment to the system of the punishments.

据新华社14日报道,西安秦岭野生动物园猛兽区管理员梁广洲因涉嫌重大责任事故罪,已被西安警方刑事拘留。Police have detained an administrator in Xi'an Qinling Wildlife Park, where tigers killed a man and injured his son on Sunday afternoon, Xinhua reported Monday.

医疗事故除包括责任事故和技术事故外,还应包括医疗差错。Medical accident should also include medical error besides liability accident and technical accident. The legal nature of medical accident is tortious liability.

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我国刑法对重大责任事故罪的规定存在主体范围规定得太窄,罪状描述方式易引起理解混乱两方面的缺陷。The criminal law of China has two shortcomings such as to narrow scope for the subject of criminal major accident and unclear description method for the fact about a crime.

随着人类探索和利用外层空间的迅速发展,外空环境中的空间碎片急剧增加,发生空间物体损害责任事故的可能性随之日益增大。With the rapid development of space exploration and utilization, space debris increase dramatically, leading to the possibility of more accidents in relation to space objects.

对防止列车“二冒一超”,减少列车运行事故的发生,改善旅客乘车环境,促进机务管理,减少机务行车责任事故等方面有显著的效果。It plays a very important role in prevention of mal-signaling and over-speed, and could reduce train running accidents, improve passenger environment and locomotive management.