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问题是,岩盐会吸引牛羊。Problem was, the salt attracted cattle.

石英岩和岩盐的热导率最高。Quartzes and rock salt have the highest conductivities.

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石英岩和岩盐的热导率最高。Quartztes and rock salt have the highest conductivities.

世界上有些盐的供应靠采掘岩盐。Some of the world's supply of salt is mined as rock salt.

石膏与岩盐则逐渐变薄或完全被溶解掉。Gypsum and halite are simply thinned or removed altogether.

我们有一个铲以外,我们通常有很多供应岩盐。We have a shovel outside, and we usually have a supply of rock salt.

岩盐路基施工为特殊的路基施工。Rock salt highway subgrade construction is a special construction method.

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卤井安全期是岩盐矿山共同关注的课题。Production period of brine well is an item which all salt mines attention.

您所需要的是一把刀和一个位岩盐,这也增添更多的色彩!All you need is a knife and a bit of rock salt , which also adds great flavour!

为铁路岩盐路基的防洪及采取防护措施提供科学依据。At last, references of . water-proof and protection of railway base were given.

岩盐向上流动即形成盐丘、盐片、盐柱及其它构造。The salt flows upward to form salt domes, sheets, pillars and other structures.

现在,岩盐溶腔的利用在我国已经被提到了议事日程上来。Nowadays, the utilization of the rock salt cavities has become an agenda in China.

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岩盐造成的蘑菇状或柱塞状的刺穿构造。一般有上覆盖岩。A mushroom-shaped or plug-shaped diapir made of salt, commonly having an overlying cap rock.

铁轨周围结冰的泥土会造成火车脱轨,岩盐可以使泥土保持松软。Freezing mud that reached track level could derail a train, and rock salt kept the mud soft.

盐构造是由于岩盐和其他蒸发岩的流动形变所形成的地质体。Salt structure is a geologic body formed by flow iir1 deformation of halite and other evaporitic rocks.

对威西岩盐矿山卤井安全期进行系统性研究,延长卤井安全期是提高企业经济效益的重要途径。A design method of real-time monitoring system for mine safety based on Web was introduced in the paper.

单从力学角度来说,连续的岩盐的强度完全能够满足工程的需要。The intensity of continuous rock-salt can satisfy the need of engineering only from the angle of mechanics.

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在岩盐水溶开采生产中实施CIM技术是连续型生产过程技术进步的需要。To implement CIM technology in salt solution mining is the need of technology progress in continuous process.

盐丘的形成是岩盐埋藏于其他类型的沉积物之下而具有相对的浮力的结果。Salt domes form as a consequence of the relative buoyancy of salt when buried beneath other types of sediment.

这些加拿大研究人员利用一种办法来研究岩盐中夹带的气泡。岩盐是食盐的自然形态。The Canadian researchers used a method to study air bubbles trapped in halite, the natural form of table salt.