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香火相当旺盛的街边小庙。A very prosperous small temple on the side road.

在最古老的毛氏香火堂,也只看到一条梁有雕花。In the ancient incense hall also saw Mao, a carved beam.

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比如,我们在这个集市购买香火。For example, we bought our incense sticks at this market.

庙里的香炉锈迹斑斑但是却从来不缺少香火。The incense container in the temple is rusty but never empty.

这里终日香火鼎盛,游客如云。There are incense filled the room all day, visitors like the clouds.

除非你断了续香火的念头,不然还是不推荐的!Unless you break renew the idea of incense, or still don't recommend!

明代寺院扩建,遂成香火胜地。Temple in the Ming Dynasty, expansion, and then into the incense resort.

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林波是付家唯一的儿子,也是他们家唯一的延续香火的希望。Lingbo was the Fus' only son, their only hope to continue the family line.

林波是付家唯一的儿子,也是他们家唯一的延续香火的希望。Lingbo was the Fus’ only son, their only hope to continue the family line.

玉莲寺善男信女众多,香火鼎盛。The jade lotus temple good believes is numerous, the joss stick is vigorous.

就在那一刻,黑暗中有个香火花一样的东西吸引了我的视线。In that instant , Othere was a thing like spark in the dark attracting my eyes.

现在的雍和宫属于黄教的寺庙,香火很旺。Now Yonghegong is a temple belonging to the Yellow Hats, and it is very prosperous.

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看到佛家圣地了,远远看见铁林寺,香火蛮盛的。See the Buddhist holy places, and far to see iron temple, incense quite sheng. Run!

在每满月,女孩被烧的香火和蜡蜡烛会崇拜月亮。On every full moon, the girl would burned incenses and wax candles to worship the moon.

在达克尚思沃的卡莉神庙外,香客们在香火缭绕、飘着茉莉香的烟雾中拥挤着。Pilgrims are swarming in the jasmine-scented mist outside the Dakshineswar Kali Temple.

父母都希望确保他们惟一的孩子是男孩,以延续家族的香火。Parents wanted to make sure that their only child was a boy to carry on the family name.

信众游客对红庙一直虔诚有加,香火不绝。Followers and visitors have been loyal t the temple and oblations are always given to it.

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小楼何仙姑旅游景区,庙内香火盛极一时,是祈福开运好去处!Ho Hsien Ku Temple, located in Xiao Lou Scenic Area, is a good place to pray for good luck.

一些国家的烟草公司为了延续吸烟族的香火,甚至牺牲自身盈利。In some countries tobacco companies decide to cut profits to ensure that people keep puffing.

这座寺庙的香火很旺,前来拜佛许愿的人很多。There are endless stream of pilgrims in this temple, who come here to worship the gods and pray.