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现在我们做黑板底部的,分母部分。And now we'll do the bottom, the numerator.

这个分数的分母是个整数。The numerator of the fraction is an integer.

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您需要输入结果的分子和分母。You have to enter numerator and denominator.

记住,在这里平衡是一种常见的分母。Remember, balance is a common denominator here.

您需要输入结果的分子和分母。You have to enter the numerator and the denominator.

分母愈大则分数的值愈小。The denominator is the smaller the value of the fraction.

那是不好的手段,因为无形中扩大了分母。That is a bad approach, because it inflates the denominator.

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第一步是使分数的分母有理化。The first step is to rationalize the denominator of a fraction.

校验和值除以分母值的余数。The remainder from dividing the cksum value by the denom value.

上式中分母的第二项可以略去。The second term in the last-written denominator can be dropped.

给出了有理化分母的一般程序。This paper gives the general procedure of rationalizing denominators.

我交换了分子和分母,因为这里有个负号。And I've reversed the fraction here because of the negative sign here.

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节拍符号貌似一个分数,包括上面的分子与下面的分母。It looks like a fraction, consisting of a numerator and a denominator.

分子分母同时除以,现在我写的这些。q1 So let me just rewrite that as, I just want to divide by q1 everywhere.

直到你在低压,这里这一项成为分母的主要部分。Until you go to low pressure, where now this term dominates the denominator.

一个有整数分子和整数分母的分数。The integers divide the number line into infinitely many half-open intervals.

分数值与分母值成反比例。The value of a fraction is inversely proportional to that of the denominator.

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从分数的分子和分母中去掉相同的因数,我们称为约分。We call it reduction to remove the same factors from the terms of a fraction.

有两个极限情况,我们可以通过看分母来判断。There are two limiting cases, which we can tell by looking at the denominator.

然而,在虚拟环境中,分母现在也是随机的值。In the virtual world, though, the denominator can now be a random value as well.