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一大滴眼泪“啪”地落在我的本子上。A huge tear plopped onto the page.

那是云云的书和本子。Those are Yunyun's book and notebook.

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把自己读过的书记录在一个本子上,即使只是写下书名和作者,也会让你更久的保持对一本书的记忆。Jot down the books you finish in a notebook.

只比一本Moleskine本子贵一点点。Just a little more than ONE SINGLE MOLESKINE.

它包括两样东西——一个本子和一个密封的文件。It contained two things--a book and a sealed paper.

我有一本本子,上面有我最痛苦的时候写下的东西。I have a book I would write in when I was really ill.

那有的是电影公司在望眼欲穿等着好本子。Crammed full of film companies desperate for good idea.

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翻到一个本子最中间的一页,用墨水涂黑。Flip to the middle page of a book, blacken it with ink.

她在本子上记下了好些反对理由。She noted down a number of objections in her note-book.

还有,你们要带本子和笔来记东西。That's why you should take notebooks and pens with you.

写作文之前应该先打草稿,然后抄到本子上。Make a draft first, then copy it into our exercise-book.

后来,我不小心把一杯水打翻在我用了一半的Moleskine本子上。Then I spilled a glass of water on my half-used Moleskine.

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双亲本子代的生活力多半是相似的。The vigour of two-parent progenies was likely to be similar.

他的纤小而有些孩子气的笔迹在本子上弯弯曲曲地描述着。His small but childish handwriting straggled up and down the page.

曾经一段时间,我时刻随身携带我的小本子。Once upon a complicated time, I always carried my notebook with me.

我们买了笔盒,刚笔,尺子,本子和书包。We bought a pencil case, just pen, ruler, notebooks and school bags.

电话号薄是那种列有电话号码的本子。A telephone directory is a book that lists all the telephone numbers.

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我买了一大堆仿制品,6个这样的本子花了我多少钱?I bought a bunch of the imitations. The cost for 6 of these notebooks?

这个本子里的纸,我用的是一面有字另一面空白的纸。I use sheets of paper that have one side written on and one side blank.

张华好的。我带本子来了,你给我装上试试吧。Sure. And I will bring my notebook over. Could you install them for me?