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当他还是孩子的时候,就学会了如何制版。He learned to plate expertly while still a boy.

单张凹版印刷机、光纹制版设备等。Sheet fed Gravure Press, Plate Making Equipment etc.

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微摄菲林可以用于投影制版系统上。Microfilms can be used in projection plate-making systems.

他们会带着自己设计的原始图来请他制版。They come to him with an original image they have created.

纸箱子是蓝白的,很小,是制版做成。The carton is blue and white, small, and made of cardboard.

他们开始使用树脂版或者用激光雕刻来制版。They began to use resin version or laser engraving to ethan.

所有的控制长备用绢布制版印刷的方法和容易-到-阅读。All controls are permanently silk -screened and easy-to-read.

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照排机已基本被取代制版机。The imagesetter has been largely superseded by the platesetter.

然后,我们将要采访制造这件艺术品的制版专家。Then, we visit the expert printmaker who made this work of art.

凹印制版方法中传统的方法是照相凹版制版法。Gravure method is in the traditional method of rotogravureseihan method.

凹印制版方法中传统的方法是照相凹版制版法。Gravure method is in the traditional method of rotogravure heshan method.

这种假币使用了雕刻制版和凹印技术。The notes are printed using the intaglio and typographic printing processes.

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手工雕镂的刀风、艺术品格精深是其他制版办法无法相比的。Handcrafted tachikaze, artistic style of the profound is another sedan method.

提出工程中要求的一系列参数支持制版、流片、封装和验证。Advance a series of parameters to support mask making, process, package and test.

在这个方法中,制版工人把图画雕刻或者蚀刻在一块金属上面。With this method, the printmaker cuts or "etches" an image onto a piece of metal.

如果采用300线网屏的特技照相制版,就可获得有动感的印成品了。With 300 lines of Photolithography and screen resolution, with cyberctm indosinian.

简述了移印感光树脂版的制版工艺及使用。This article specifies the plate- making process of photo-resin plate and its usage.

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制版、输入操作功能一体化电脑系统。The computer system has integrated function of plate making and data input operation.

他们直接在石头上画图,剩下的工作就交给制版工人去做。They would draw directly on the stone and a printmaker would do the rest of the work.

这种制版过程可以在激光制版机上进行,也可以在印刷机上进行。Such a producing process can be carried out either on a laser plate maker or a printer.