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月上柳梢头,人约黄昏后。About dusk after month LiuShao head, man.

也不只是诗词中的月上柳梢头的花前月下。Poetry is not just on the next Kamiyanagi.

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月上柳梢头,人约黄昏后。Top of tree on the month, person invite evening empress.

她望羞了星星,也忘羞了上弦月轻倚柳梢头。She looked ashamed ashamed stars, also forget the moon light leaning willow.

那天,春末夏初的和风吹得正有劲,摇晃着悬铃木的梢头。A brisk May breeze was blowing, which swayed the crests of the plaintain-trees.

机务总管先生,尾轴的梢头需要磁粉探伤吗?Mr. Superintend, do you want to perform magnetic particle testing on tailshaft taper?

高高的河岸上,竹林梢头农舍的屋顶隐约可见。Over the high banks, the cottage roofs and the tops of the bamboo clumps are visible.

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症状主要表现为嫩梢黄化、整株黄化、梢头枯死和全株枯死。The symptom can be classified into the yellows of shoot and whole plant, died shoot and whole plant.

松斑螟是危害黄山松梢头和球果的主要害虫。Salebria laruata Heinrich is the main pest damaging shoots and coniferophyte of Pinus taiwanensis Hayata.

印象最深刻的一幕是章子怡与周润发在竹林里弯弯的竹梢头上对打。One of the most memorable images of this movie is Zhang Ziyi balancing on a bending branch at the top of a bamboo forest with Chow Yun fat.

想来也是,“娉娉袅袅十三余,豆蔻梢头二月初”总比“好大一盘糖醋鱼,肉香味美骨头酥”要好听一些。Want to come too, " Ping Ping curl Shisanyu, nutmeg trees two early" is better than " a big plate of sweet and sour fish, flesh delicious crisp bone" to put some.

继而又对采叶留穗茶园以及以苗繁苗进行了研究,分析了茶枝梢头扦插的可行性。And then studied on tea garden with tea plant plucked in shoots and left in twig, and breeding seedlings with seedlings, analysed the practicability of poly-leaves cutting.

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黄河三角洲大面积人工刺槐林出现了衰退现象,表现为树木梢头出现不同程度的枯稍。The degradation of Robinia pseudoacacia plantation on Yellow River Delta took place in large area and the shoots of R. pseudoacacia trees were dried-up with different degree.

通过对短穗和茶枝梢头扦插的试验研究,得出茶枝梢头扦插优于短穗扦插,梢头扦插又以三叶梢效果最好的结论。Through the experimental research on single node and poly-leaves cutting, we concluded that poly-leaves cutting is better than single node cutting, and three-leaves cutting is best in effect.