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他是先驱者和开路先锋。He is a pioneer and trailblazer.

施洗约翰是耶稣的开路先锋。John was the forerunner to Jesus.

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约翰将做耶稣的开路先锋。John would be the forerunner for Jesus.

施洗约翰是耶稣的开路先锋。John was beheaded by Herod the tetrarch.

以前将他当作一个开路先锋,现在却成了个玩弄女性的坏蛋。He now looked like a scoundrel where he had once been a pioneer.

革命者是推动社会前进的开路先锋。The revolutionist is the trailblazer who moves the society forward.

詹姆司卡卖龙最近的电影阿凡达让他成为动画电影的开路先锋。James Cameron blazed a trail in animation with his latest movie "Avatar".

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要过真实的生活,我们必须做阻力最大的道路上的开路先锋。In order to truly live, we must be trailblazers on the path of most resistance.

由具有西方学位的归国留学生组成的北京大学中国经济研究中心已成为这一改革的开路先锋。Leading the way is Beijing University’s prestigious China Center for Economic Research.

也许这种昆虫将是下一种生命形式的开路先锋,一个新的昆虫王国将由它们来奠基。Perhaps they are the vanguard of what will come next, the next kingdom beginning to rise. Though perhaps not.

该发言人说嫦娥二号发射是中国探月计划第二阶段的“开路先锋”。The Chang'e-2 mission is a "starting point" of the second stage of China's lunar exploration program he said.

来自Schramme纵队的武装吉普车,这些快速、加载重武器的吉普车是雇佣军强有利的开路先锋。Gun jeep from Schramme column. These fast, heavily-armed jeeps were the spearpoint of many mercenary advances.

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但是,作为国际建筑的偶像,悉尼歌剧院将名垂青史,因为它是开路先锋。But it will outlive the Guggenheim as an international architectural icon because it did all the difficult work first.

他一直是开路先锋,让英国短跑选手相信我们能与世界上最好的运动员一决高下,并且击败他们。He has been the trailblazer and given British sprinters the belief that we are able to take on and beat the world's best.

这样的眼光,使他成为少数几位开路先锋之一,把奈米科技从原来只是画大饼扭转成真实的技术。That insight led him to become one of several pioneers who may turn nanotechnology from hyperbole into technological reality.

目前康姆又名「迪迪」,它扮演的所有角色都是开路先锋,把嘻哈文化推向主流。In all his roles, Combs, known these days as Diddy , has been on the forefront of pushing hip-hop culture into the mainstream.

我尊重费拉罗,她是一位开路先锋。她当年竞选时激励了很多人,包括我本人。And I respect Geraldine Ferraro, she is a trailblazer, and was an inspiration for a lot of people, including myself when she ran.

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深处重庆市区东北重山峻岭中的双溪村被当地官员誉为改革的开路先锋。The village of Shuangxi in the hills north-east of Chongqing city has been designated by local officials as a reform trailblazer.

今天,国家的女儿们既受益于这些勇敢开路先锋的创举,也在为后代女性铺平道路。Today, our Nation’s daughters reap the benefits of these courageous pioneers while paving the way for generations of women to come.

这项修正案能够成为法律,是因为那些为全美国妇女争取投票权的开路先锋数十载的不懈奋斗。This Amendment became law only after decades of work by committed trailblazers who fought to extend the right to vote to women across America.