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这次选举是一场骗局。The election is a fraud.

我们再一次选举他为班长。We re-elected him monitor.

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谁选举美国参议员?。Who elects U. S. Senators?

比阿特丽斯赢了这次选举Beatrice won this election.

现在选举已成为陈迹。The election is history now.

同意对法官实行选举。Agreed on election of judges.

中期选举日是下周二。Election Day is next Tuesday.

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参加投票选举舞会之王和王后么?。Vote for prom king and queen?

我们的选举涉及它们。We have elections about them.

选举没有救世主。No saviours are on the ballot.

他们都有权选举国会议员。They get to vote for congress.

谁选举美国国会?。Who elects the U. S. Congress?

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递补选举看起来作弊了。The by-elections seemed rigged.

他们全都选举他当主席。They wisl elected him chairman.

我敢说他在选举中肯定营私舞弊。I dare say he jobs in elections.

“我希望没有人参加选举”,他说。“I hope no one votes, ” he said.

先是选举,现在又出这事。First the election, and now this.

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选举是在一个敏感时期进行的。It was a sensitive time to do it.

关于选举咱们来打个赌吧。Let's make a bet on the election.

我们都赢得了选举,他们如是说。We all have elections, they said.