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公诉人正在宣读一份长达73页的起诉书。Prosecutor is to read a 73-page indictment.

起诉书也写得含糊不清、语无伦次。The indictment is vague, woolly and incoherent.

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起诉书中把中国政府列为共同被告。The filing lists the Chinese state as co-defendant.

向刑事案被告宣读起诉书并听取他的答辩。Read of the indictment to the accused and hearing his plea.

起诉书指控钟东凡是一名自愿的参与者。The indictment charges that Chung was a willing participant.

起诉书中说,在这起事件中有50多位受害者。There were more than 50 victims, according to the indictment.

刑事起诉书只涉及指控,不涉及犯罪证据。Criminal indictments are only charges and not evidence of guilt.

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以手机简讯传达起诉书目的并非让人大吃一惊。The indictments by text messages are not intended to take people by surprise.

被告在被传唤进行辩护之前收到一份警方起诉书副本。The defendant was given a copy fo information before he was called upon to plead.

如果起诉书被法官确认,法院将发出逮捕令。If the indictments are confirmed by a judge, the court will issue arrest warrants.

然而,她也声称,除非她得到书面的免于起诉书,否则将不会交待更多的信息。Yet she will not give them any more information until she receives immunity in writing.

起诉书的内容被翻译成各被告的母语送交被告。The charges are now being translated into all the defendants' native languages and served.

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在校方的起诉书中,翟田田被控为恐怖分子,理由是他企图放火烧毁学校。Zhai's school sued him for being a terrorist citing he attempted to set fire to the school.

有一个员工实际上面临着起诉,但是却在,起诉书到达前的一个周末自杀。One guy was actually indicted but committed suicide the weekend before the indictment came in.

为了起诉书与假货和盗版,我们将使用全新的外观和新包装的新版本。To aginst with fakes and duplicates, we will use new look and new packaging for the new version.

起诉书还提到法国公民沃罗斯。他被指控和慕可舜配合。The indictment also named a french citizen , maurice serge voros , who allegedly worked with moo.

在起诉书中,翟田田面临着“制造恐怖威胁”的指控。According to the indictment sheet, Zhai is facing the serious charge of making a terroristic threat.

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报纸中还说Ahsan是除了伊朗司法部以外唯一一个看过起诉书的人。The newspaper says Ahsan is the only individual outside of Iran's judiciary to have read the indictment.

然而,法院没有发布正式的刑事起诉书,整个诉讼程序仍停留在审讯前的阶段。However, the court has yet to issue formal indictments, and the proceedings remain in the pre-trial phase.

美国检方7月呈交了对郁向东的起诉书,当郁10月14日在芝加哥机场被捕后,指控被正式启封。The indictment, handed up in July, was unsealed upon his arrest on October 14 at Chicago's O'Hare Airport.