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出于嫉妒之心,她离间了他们的关系。She broke them up out of jealousy.

恶意的流言蜚语离间了这对老朋友。Spiteful gossip separated the two old friends.

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这似乎是离间富国不错的法子。This seems like a recipe for alienating rich countries.

遭受危险的看林人的离间搅乱了我的长期计划。The endangered ranger's estrangement deranged my long-range plan.

当际遇离开,我们能够做的,只是接受这个离间。When the opportunity comes all we can do is to take this challenge.

李密决定用离间之计对付秦琼和独孤盛。LiMi they decided to use the program to deal with QinQiong and DuGuCheng.

从细胞里渗出的液体,积在各皮层之间,把各皮层离间了。The liquid from the cells gets between the layers of skin and loosens them.

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他离间那两个朋友的企图失败了,因为他们彼此完全信任。His attempts to alienate the two friends failed because they had complete faith.

但是同时,萨默斯的言行时常会离间一些本可以成为他盟友的人士。But Mr. Summers also has a habit of alienating some people who could have been his allies.

然而,大岛渚作品的丰富性还在于其将离间与涉入加以融合的能力。The richness of Oshima 's work , however , lies in its ability to fuse alienation with involvement.

遮掩人过的、寻求人爱.屡次挑错的、离间密友。He who covers over an offense promotes love, but whoever repeats the matter separates close friends.

新计划将会终止外交还是使外交激进,无礼的言辞离间了每个人吗?Is the new plan to stop being diplomatic and instead make bold, insulting statements alienating everyone?

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刘母却知道天贞这么说只是为了离间她们母子之间的感情,压根儿就没理睬。Know liu mother day zhen said so just to alienate them the affection between mother and child, never ignore.

如果共和党人结束对反叛者竞选总统的提名,他们就有着冒离间核心选民的风险。If the Republicans end up nominating an insurgent for the presidency, they risk alienating the voter in the centre.

但这种逐鹿是壮健的,我们以自有的实力离间和尝试新的作品。But this kind of competition is heingternativehy because we can take up the chinglenge try to work to our strengths.

我发现这就业不像我原来认为的那么具有离间性,我想找一份有刺激性的就业,这样可以进步。I'm not finding the work as challenging as I used to. I would like to find a job that is stimulating. where I can grow.

两军相持四个多月,秦军仍拿不下长平。秦王采纳了范睢的建议,用离间法让赵王怀疑廉颇,赵王中计,调回廉颇,派赵括为将到长平与秦军作战。This made Zhao Kuo very haughty so much so he sent a letter to the Qin army and proposed a final battle where winner takes all.

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西佐失散多年的侄女莎雯秘密地离间维戈,企图自己控制黑日。Xizor's long-lost niece, Savan, secretly instigated a war between the Vigos as she attempted to take control of Black Sun herself.

但为了这些目标所必须的之外手段将不会涉及,政府也不会使用强制力量反对或离间任何地方的人民。But beyond what is necessary for these purposes, there will be no invasion, no using of force against or among the people anywhere.

前面我们提到了孟福尔容易离间人的坏习惯,否则的话,那些王爵伙伴本可能支持他的。We've mentioned de Montfort's unfortunate habit of alienating those of his fellow barons who might otherwise be tempted to support him.