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地心引力不懈地拖曳着我的眼皮。Gravity is tugging on my eyelids.

他是位孜孜不倦努力不懈的人。He is a man of untiring industry.

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所以我们必须不懈地探索深究。So we must dig and delve unceasingly.

在屋顶不懈地追击Mannix。Relentlessly pursue Mannix over the rooftops.

天才只是意味着终身不懈的努力。Genious only means hard-working all one's life!

趁年轻,不懈地努力把握最好的时光!Young, unremitting efforts grasp the best time!

客户的满意是我们不懈的追求!Customers' satisfaction is our unremitted pursuit!

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学用结合,学以致用,是一个学子不懈的追求。Learning to use and using to learn is our pursues.

其关键是李宗仁自己作了不懈的努力。The key is to Li Tsung-jen made their own efforts.

我知道他会希望我们继续作出不懈的努力。I know he would want our work to continue unabated.

经过不懈的努力,她最终成了一位著名学者。By steady effort, she landed up as a famous scholar.

为此,我们作出了不懈的努力。We have been making unremitting efforts to that end.

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与时俱入是拒腐防变的不懈追求。Keeping pace with the times is the persevering pursuit.

“你只会犁地或是拉扯。”狗不懈地说。“You can only plough or draw a cart,” the dog slightly says.

“做精品工程”是森大人不懈的追求。" Do the exquisite article "that is the consistent pursuance.

这是他们十年不懈劳动所取得的成果。This was what they achieved after ten years of ceaseless labour.

是的,“坚定的信仰,不懈的追求,才是永恒的太阳”。Yes, "firm faith, pursue unremittingly, just is an eternal sun".

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我们坚持为求质求精的目标而努力不懈。We insist on quality for the sake of the goal refinement efforts.

学习英语需要不懈的努力,但请永不言弃!Learning English takes a lot of efforts, but please don't give up!

由于李玉刚不懈地努力奋斗,最终他获得了成功。Li Yugang kept on struggling. As a result, he eventually succeeded.