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夜莺歌唱。Nightingales sing.

于是夜莺不停地唱下去。The nightingale sang on.

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夜莺!我听见你歌唱。Nightingale! I hear your fluting.

你可听见夜莺歌唱?Do you hear the nightingales call?

黄昏是听夜莺唱歌的最好时段。Dusk is the best time to hear them.

Me们听见夜莺正在尽情地歌唱。We hear the nightingale at his best.

笼里夜莺不唱歌,浪里蛟龙任腾越。Nightingales will nit sing in a cage.

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夜莺唱不出歌来。Nightingales will not sing in a cage.

夜莺困笼不唱歌。Nightingales will not sing in a cage.

关在笼里的夜莺唱不出歌来。Nightingales will not sing in a cage.

我们夜莺从来不在鸟笼里唱歌。We nightingales never sing in a cage.

是蝙蝠和夜莺的窠巢盘踞在顶梁。The bats and owlets builders in the roof!

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美妙的童声向夜莺在歌唱。Children's voice like nightingale singing.

我要把她花园里的夜莺都赶走。I would banish nightingales from her garden.

夜晚你会听到夜莺啭鸣。You can hear a nightingale whistle at night.

人们常常把夜莺跟知更鸟搞混。People often confuse robins with nightingales.

你形单影只地站在夜莺啼唱的时分!Thou standest alone, as the nightingale sings!

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你常常可以听到夜莺在晚上歌唱。You can often hear nightingales sing at night.

夜莺很快被带进了宫里见皇帝。At once nightingale was brought to the emperor.

我说那不夜莺,而是一只芙蓉鸟.that is not nightingale,but a golden orioles actually.