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我们的装卸工人对装大米很有经验。Our stevedores are well experienced in loading rice.

装卸工已经上船了,让我们去看看。The stevedores are already on board. Let's go and have a look.

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装卸工用厕的洗手盆坏了,需要更换。The wash basin in stevedore's lavatory damaged, to be renewed.

因装卸工人不足,无法在限定时间内装船。Shipment cannot execute within period owing stevedore shortage.

装卸工不把一项训练拆分成多个部分的。A lumper is someone who does not split an exercise into component parts.

从伦敦来的飞机到达了哪,装卸工又从飞机上卸下了什么东西?Where did the plane from London arrive and what did workers unload from?

装卸工听不懂你的话,情有可原。The stevedores are justifiable for they are unable to catch what you say.

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请告诉装卸工人要依照配载图装货。Please tell the dockers to stow the cargoes according to the stowage plan.

所谓个别装卸工故意破坏纸箱,这纯属捏造。It's purely a fiction that individual dockers intentionally injure the cartons.

附近的艾尔伯特码头,曾经挤满了装卸工人的地方,现在熙熙攘攘,满是酒吧和餐馆。the nearby Albert Dock, once teeming with stevedores, bustles with bars and restaurants.

提出了随机装卸工问题及其求解策略。The stochastic loader problem and the procedure for solutions were proposed in this paper.

首先,是那些挤在肮脏混乱的甲板上的装卸工先后死亡,后来,瘟疫就开始向伦敦的其他地方蔓延。Stevedores, crowded in squalor, died first before spreading disease to the rest of the city.

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如果训练者不能超越他自己,不能正确的拆分一项训练,他们就会变成一个装卸工。A trainer can become a lumper if they get ahead of themselves and don't properly split an exercise.

在我50年训犬经历的多数时候我是个装卸工,我并不以此为荣。For the majority of my 50 year career of owning and training dogs I have been a lumper and I am not proud of it.

此次罢工涉及到了安保人员,行李装卸工,地勤人员和其他在西班牙47个机场的工作人员。The strikes would have involved security staff, baggage handlers, ground crew and others at 47 Spanish airports.

装卸工从高处向舱里抛袋子,这使得大量袋子松口。The stevedores tossedthrew the bags from high place into the hold. That brought on a lot of bags with seams slack.

现代物流业的迅速发展,促成和推动装卸工问题的提出和研究。The rapid development of the modern logistics technology motivates the presentation and study of the loader problem.

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书中许多引人入胜的“小插曲”中,有一段讲述了盟军聘请德国机械师和装卸工的情况。In one of the many compelling vignettes the author describes how the allies hired German mechanics and loading hands.

装卸工在卸货过程中确实损坏了一些袋子,但我已单独为它们作了一个记录。The dockers did have acted to the detriment of some bags during discharging. But I have made a separate record for them.

在装卸工问题的基础上提出了随机装卸工问题及其求解策略。On the basis of standard loader problem, we firstly put forward the stochastic loader problem and discuss the solution strategy.