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德赛人总是放眼未来,志存高远!Desay people always have great ambition and long perspective.

未来,志存高远的采实人,必将开启新的航程,争创新的辉煌!In the future, we will start a new sailing and create new glory.

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我能教你志存高远,但不能替你实现目标。I can tell you about lofty goals, but I cannot achieve them for you.

我们坚信,明天是属于志存高远、不断进取的志邦人!We convince that tomorrow will belong to the aggressive "Zhibang People"!

作为演员的他,年逾古稀之年,戴着耳环,成为一名出色的水手,至今仍志存高远。The actor, 73, on wearing an earring, being a good sailor, and dreaming big

希望我们的教师志存高远、爱国敬业。We hope to see a large contingent of high-minded, patriotic and devoted teachers.

我们坚信,志存高远的乐韵人,一定会使乐韵跨得更高,迈得更远!We believe that we must enable Leyun step higher and farther with our great ambition.

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诚实的人常负责任,虽不能志存高远,心怀天下,却也能够对一己之事力尽所能。Though with no great ideal as a honesty is often make an effect to do private affair perfectly.

事实上,她解雇了所有不像她那样志存高远的经纪人,因为他们不理解她的远大抱负。In fact, she got rid of any agent she felt didn’t dream as big as she was dreaming and who didn’t understand her vision.

追求卓越,志存高远,踏实做事,诚信为人。Pursuit made excellence, aspiration achieved eminence, unpretentious soared practicality, responsible humbled integrity.

我这一辈子不断地确立目标,力争上游,志存高远,希望能成为后人的楷模。Throughout my life, I constantly set goals, aim high, and dream big in hopes of being a role model for others behind me.

我想对广东的姐妹们说一句,无论面对何种诱惑,要志存高远。I want to say something to girls in Guangdong that we should have a broad view and high goal of life beyond those material tempatitions.

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你应该志存高远,无论现在多么贫困,你都有实现你愿望的潜力。You should set your aims high, recognize that no matter how little money you have right now, you have the potential to create as much as you desire.

高力集团志存高远,以现代化国际企业为目标,倾尽全力为社会奉献超乎顾客期望的产品。Highnic group had high aspirations and a modern international enterprise as the goal, with every effort to devote themselves to exceed customer expectations.

古都城市规划志存高远——陕西省省长袁纯清公布了一项雄心勃勃的计划,就是通过与邻城咸阳市实现一体化,把西安市建成一座国际化大都市。Shaanxi governor Yuan Chunqing unveiled an ambitious plan to build Xi'an into an international metropolis by linking it with the neighboring city of Xianyang.

我们拥有志存高远、励精图治的管理层和大批资深的咨询员,以及耐心细致有甘于默默无闻的后台工作人员。We possess far-sighted management echelon, consultants with distinguished reputation and experience, and patient back-office staffs who are ready to the unknown.

志存高远,身处这个竞争日趋剧烈的时期的本人们尤当这样,时辰为自己的理想而斗争,本人们也不会带半点的遗憾分开人世。Great ideals, in this increasingly fierce competition in the era of us, especially when such moments for our ideal but struggle, we will not take stint of regret to leave the world.