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并且,孩子们没法要得太多。And kids can’t get enough.

在敬拜中,神要得著什麽?What does God desire in worship?

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采摘含苞的玫瑰要得趁早。Gather ye rose-buds while you may.

今天我来要得著你的平安。Today I come to receive your peace.

或是要得少的想法。or wanting less of something as well.

选择正确的,尔県寔伱想要得。Chooses correctly, but is not you wants.

我们要得的那地乃是有山有谷之地。The land is a land of hills and valleys.

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“知道”,美吕说,“你要得疱疹。”"Yes, " she says. "You're getting herpes.

他要得这么少,我倒觉得不好意思呢。I am only ashamed of his asking so little.

五杰之一要得到龙卷轴了!One of the Five is gonna get the Dragon Scroll!

怒发冲冠五侠客将有一个要得到龙卷轴了!One of the five is gonna get the dragon scroll!

真是要得!他总是众所瞩目的超级明星。Attaboy! He's always a superstar in the spotlight.

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难道这不就是你们最终想要得吗?A-A-And isn't that what you ultimately want for us?

现在他要得诺贝尔奖简直探囊取物。And now he's on the fast track to win a Nobel prize.

这门功课必须要得A我才能上光荣榜。I need an A in this course to get on the honor roll.

要得皮肤好,煮粥加红枣。Red date boiled in the porridge makes the cheeks red.

问问你自己为什么你的角色要得到他想要的?Ask yourself why does your character want what he wants?

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要得见真如,你必须踏出这个罗网。To see the universe as it is, you must step beyond the net.

以扫往田野去打猎,要得野味带来。And Esau went to the field to hunt for venison, and to bring it.

他喃喃自语,“你背叛别人早晚要得报应的。He muttered, "You cheat on somebody, there's going to be payback.