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今天我就要为先父报仇。I have to avenge my dad now.

1999年,先父死于癌症。In 1999, my father died of cancer.

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我先父热心于建设他的出生地蒙田。My father loved to build up Montaigne, where he was born.

我是先父的上帝“,El也被这样称呼。I am the God of the father," the same way El is referred to.

谨以此文献给先父和天底下所有的父亲!Dedicated to my late father and all other fathers in the world!

先父告诫我绝对不能赌博。他因为赌博输掉了一大笔财产。My late father told me never to gamble. He lost a fortune gambling.

受够了先父来国父去,我们该来了解那些革命的女人们!Enough about our forefathers, let's learn about some revolutionary women!

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它们是先父深信不移和立身处世的信条。They are principles in which my father believed and by which he governed his life.

她停下来,仔细端详先父的照片时,对父亲的感情汹涌而来。When she stops to take in a photograph of her late father, her affection for him abounds.

我也需要上帝的恩惠,我们在他的手中,他带领我们的先父,就如同旧时的以色列I shall need,too,the favor of that Being in whose hands we are,who led our fathers,as Israel of old

朝鲜新领导金正恩被授予两个他先父曾拥有的新职位。North Korea's new leader Kim Jong-un has been given two posts previous occupied by his late father.

其中许多直接或间接地与古老的神化和你们先父的信仰有关。Many of these will be directly or indirectly connected with old myths and beliefs of your forefathers.

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罗罗是个扒手,先父有一次下了班后捉到他,他朝我父亲开了六枪却逃之夭夭。Rollo was a purse snatcher. My father ran into him off-duty. He shot my father 6 times and got away clean.

当然也被称作“国王“,在宗法叙述中,他称自己为先父的上帝。Also certainly as "King." And in the patriarchal narratives, God refers to himself as the God of the Father.

先父是位十分严厉的父亲,大概因为他的性格而又因为我是家中长子,他对我要求相当高。He was austere and demanding, partly because of his personality, but partly because I was the eldest son of the family.

周二,这位超模出身的前流行歌手偕同家人来到威尼斯,出席纪念其先父的一场音乐会。On Tuesday the former supermodel-turned-pop singer was in Venice with her family for a concert in honour of her late father.

虽然先父从未接受过正规教育,但他会说流利的英语,而且可以背诵唐诗三百首。Although he never had a proper education, he was able to be fluent in English and was able to recite "Three Hundred Tang Poems".

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不过,我想起先父每次带兵出征高原地区时,常先定下他的继承人。But considering that my father also, at what time he led an army into the higher countries, appointed who should reign after him.

先父常常向我强调,教育是极为重要的,并且郑重地告欣我,要求取进步,便要。My father always emphasised to me on the importance of education and the importance of life long learning if one is to move ahead.

不过实际上,一些开国先父也曾被意在揭丑的新闻界追踪过。While his charge struck many people as true, in fact the same type of expose-minded press dogged the footsteps of some of the Founders.