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你们怎样定控制点?Cómo determinan los puntos de control?

在每个关键控制点设立公差。Establish tolerances at each critical control point.

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第二种方法是治理控制点。The second alternative is governance control points.

针对关键控制点及其关键限值建立了浓缩苹果清汁的HACCP计划。And the HACCP plan was established in terms of the CCPs.

定义控制点是一项非常依赖于实际情况的工作。Defining points of control is very much situation-dependent.

海军库存控制点是该合同的缔约方。The Naval Inventory Control Point is the contracting activity.

设计和服务的正式评估审核是关键的控制点。Formal design and service evaluation reviews are key control points.

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此标准映像在很多企业内被视为控制点。This standard image is viewed as a control point in many enterprises.

如何做到内部会计控制点线面的结合与协同,等等。How do we cooperate with drop, line, side of internal accounting control?

通过对关键控制点的监控确保苹果清汁的质量。Assure the quality of the concentrated apple juice by monitoring the CCPs.

可以使用上面描述的方法一并识别控制点。We could use alternative one described above and identify the control points.

例如,用户可以拖动文字对象的控制点来调整文字大小。For instance, a user can drag the control point of a text object to resize it.

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它们还是应用程序安全体系结构中的消息控制点。They are also a message control point in an application's security architecture.

举例来说,工件的“审查步骤”可能与控制点相关联。For example, a "review step" of an artifact may be associated with a control point.

由于没有固定的污染源,控制非点源污染要比控制点源污染困难得多。Because of not having a fixed point sources, it was difficult to control non-point sources.

计算域内两控制点和对应的验潮站实测潮位过程吻合较好。Good agreement between computation and measurement at two hydrographic stations is obtained.

方法使用新的包装材料和加强控制生产控制点。New packing material of method usage with en- hance the control to produce the control point.

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通过对关键控制点的监控确保核桃乳的质量。The quality of walnut milk can be ensured through monitoring the critical controlling points.

加药水产饲料生产的科学排序是控制交叉污染的关键控制点。Scientific production sequencing is proved to be effective way to control cross contamination.

因此,作业管理器为这些环境提供了单一管理控制点。Job manager therefore provides a single point of administrative control for these environments.