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他的新专集很畅销。His new album sells well.

新专集已经在筹备中了。The new album is on the way.

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他的新专集去年出版了。His new album came out last year.

问一下你有正张专集吗?。Darin Zanyar -be what you wanna be!

这是这张专集的概念。This is the concept of this new album.

这是我新专集的第一首歌。This is my first single off my new record.

这首诗出现在了他新年专集里面。This poem appears on his new New Year's album.

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他则想作一本盆栽的照片专集。He wanted to work on an imageic essay on bonsai.

嘿。希望能在我们新专集首发式上看到你。Hey. hope see you in our new album release show.

嘿。希望能在过失乐队新专集首发式上看到你。Hey. hope see you in Demerit new album release show.

她几年前发布了一张同名的CD专集。She released her self-titled debut CD a few years ago.

周杰伦的新专集预定在本月下旬发行。Jay Chou' new album is due for release later this month.

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每个包里会收藏每个乐队的经典专集!Each bag will be a classic collection of each band album!

这天的早些时候,她在为她的新专集录音。Earlier in the day she had shot a music video for her new album.

爱女琼琼的第九个专集与大家见面了!Love daughter Qiong Qiong the special fair of 9th with all have met!

她最近的独唱专集使她在流行乐坛名声大振。Her latest solo album has made her very famous in the world of pop music.

Hilary在前往巴西和澳大利亚站之前还将在墨西哥有三场演唱会,为宣传她的“尊严”专集。Hilary makes three more stops in Mexico, before moving on to Brazil and Australia.

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刚刚录影前你有告诉我你昨天晚完成了你最新的专集。You were telling us when we off camera that you finished your latest album last night.

同时发行的还有三部专集系列第一部的两张激光唱盘。Also released was the first in a three-part collected series of double compact disc sets.

专集的第一首歌年龄大点儿的歌迷应该知道他们谈论的是什么。If you are their older fans, you should know what they are talking about in the first song.