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那个孩子走散后迷路了。The child wandered off and got lost.

遭受炮击时我们走散了,什么时候我才能再见到他们啊?During the shelling we got separated.

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“我和妈妈走散了,”这个孩子说。“I’ve lost my mother,”the child said.

他们两个在招聘会上走散啦。They two lost each other on the job fair.

在拥挤的戏院里他们走散了。They got separated in the crowded theater.

我的朋友和我在人群中走散了。My friend and I got separated in the crowd.

而他又在流亡中与妻子走散He separated from her because of dire necessity.

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如果女人不小心走散,他会立马去把她找回来。If she wanders away, he'll come find her IMMEDIATELY.

有人知到泰和琪琪什么时候走散的吗?。Did anybody happened to notice when Ty and Kiki left us?

如果你想出去走走散散心,你可以来圣路易斯找我。Hey, if you ever need to get away, come out to St. Louis.

他们在女娲身旁欢呼雀跃了一阵,慢慢走散了。Nu Wa side cheering them for a while, slowly got separated.

当我们加入一大群人时,我和我的朋友走散了。As we joined the big crowd, I got separated from my friends.

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牧羊人去找走散的羊去了。The shepherd went to search for some sheep that had strayed.

它只是在一个寒冷的夜晚在雨中走散的、孤独的漂流者。It was just a stray on a cold night in the rain, a lonely drifter.

也许会有从图图旺阿过来的走散的贸易纵帆船经过这里。There might be a stray trading schooner running across from Tutuwanga.

他与另一艘船一同前往,但它们在一次风暴中走散了He went there with another ship, but the were separated during a storm.

指定一个汇合点和时间,以防你在徒步旅程中走散。Have a designated meeting point and time if you get separated while hiking.

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制定当家庭成员走散后的紧急联系计划。Develop an emergency communication plan in case family members are separated.

就在蓝精灵们争相逃脱这位笨手笨脚的巫师的追赶时,笨笨跟大家走散了。As they scramble to get away from the bumbling wizard, Clumsy goes the wrong way.

我急急忙忙冲出大楼的时候不知怎么就和妈妈走散了。In some way, in the rush to get out of the building I got separated from my mother.