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是我们对先烈的报答,对历史的担当。It is the reward of our martyrs.

它曾经被称作先烈纪念日。It used to be known as Decoration Day.

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广州先烈路是一条近代纪念性陵园荟萃之路。Guangzhou Xianlie Road is a collection of modern memorial cemetery.

所以,我俩是一样的苦命人,都是革命先烈的遗孤。So, we are the same person is poor, the revolutionary martyrs orphan.

然而,这场战斗给起义大业带来了悲壮的先烈和雄浑的战斗口号。But the battle gave the insurgent cause its martyrs and its battle cry.

不要丢了祖宗的脸,不要丢了我们汉唐先烈的脸。Don't lost his father's face, don't lost our supposition martyrs' face.

他还给我讲了先烈们英勇战斗、不怕牺牲的革命命故事。He told me the martyrs brave fight, fear no sacrifice revolutionary story.

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血与火的悲壮历史,缅怀抗日先烈的丰功伟绩,弘扬中华民族伟大的抗战。Review the buskined history of fire and blood, to recall the great feats of.

革命先烈为了革命事业把生死置之度外。For the revolutionary cause many martyrs left life and death out of consideration.

在战争中许多革命先烈为祖国献出了生命。For the country's sake many revolutionary martyrs laid down their lives in the war.

这里已成为后人凭吊先烈追忆往事的历史遗址。Here has become martyrs Remembrance of the past later pondered the historical sites.

无数革命先烈为了人民的利益牺牲了他们的生命。Countless revolutionary martyrs have laid down their lives in the interest of the people.

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峥嵘岁月已远去,但革命先烈的英雄事迹却长存我们心底。Hard time has gone, but the heroic deeds of revolutionary martyrs but our hearts forever.

无数革命先烈为了人民的利益牺牲了他们的生命。Countless revolutionary martyrs have laid down their lives in the interests of the people.

学生们经过长途跋涉来瞻仰革命先烈。The students came from a long way off to show their respect for the revolutionary martyrs.

这周末,这个国家正在纪念1916年的革命先烈。This weekend, this country, is honouring the revolutionaries who became the martyrs of 1916.

那我们新一代的少年该怎样用行动来缅怀先烈呢。That our new generation of teenagers how to use the action to cherish the memory of martyrs do.

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这面红旗代表了无数的革命先烈对新中国的无尽的热爱。This flag represents the face of numerous revolutionary martyrs of the new China's endless love.

空军雷虎特技小组军机飞越台北忠烈祠上空,表达向革命先烈的敬意与追思。Thunder Tiger Aerobatic Team fly over to honor National Martyrs in the 100th anniversary of ROC.

茶坞革命烈士纪念碑为怀念在该地牺牲的革命先烈而建。Chawu revolutionary martyr monument to the memory of the revolutionary martyrs who sacrificed built.