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孤独地生老病死?。To live and die alone?

他肯定知道这些生老病死的事情。He always knows about life and death.

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我们生下来就是为了受生老病死的苦吗?Are we born into the world just to suffer, grow old, and die?

在伊丽莎白的世界里容不得生老病死,只有令人陶醉的午餐!There was no room for sickness in Elizabeth's world. Only jolly lunches!

生老病死的无常过程,谁能免除?With birth, aging, sickness, and death, how can we be rid of impermanence?

人为什么会生老病死?世上为什么没有长寿药?。Factitious what is met birth? Why is there macrobian medicine on the world?

对于有些人来说,本拉登的含义早已超越了一个生老病死的普通人,它是恐怖与毁灭的象征。For some, bin Laden represents an idea more than a person who lived and died.

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1878年以来,此处就禁止了任何生老病死。Since the year 1878, no deaths or births have been permitted near the shrine.

生老病死,自然规律!不要太伤悲,你的孝心他会感应得到的!The birth and death, the nature! Do not be too sad, your filial piety he will feel!

现在的我,变得很“冷血”,对于生老病死都看得很坦然。Now, I have become very "cold", for sickness and death are all looking very frankly.

常人生老病死这些事情都是有因缘关系的,不能随便给破坏的。Normal person's getting old and sick have their reasons, and we don't go out to destroy that.

人,总会生老病死,怎么过都是一生,错过了爱情就错过了生命的精彩。People, there will always be cradle, how is life, missed the love is missed the best of life.

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人类可能生老病死,但是完美的正义,或者说完美正义的理念,是永恒的Now, people may come and go, but perfect justice -the idea of perfect justice--that's timeless.

人类可能生老病死,但是完美的正义,或者说完美正义的理念,是永恒的。Now, people may come and go, but perfect justice -the idea of perfect justice--that's timeless.

而我们依然持续,延迟直至最终抱怨着体重超重,生老病死等。Still, we persist, procrastinate and eventually complain that we're overweight, sick, dying, etc.

尼尔在中国时,就很想念约瑟芬,担心她生老病死,而他不在身边。As in China, Neil missed Josephine very much, worried her health, death, but he was not beside her.

生老病死,爱恨情仇,他们的一生基本上都在水中央度过。Life and death, love and hatred, all their lifetime stories are staged in this center of the water.

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因此,玉帝惩罚了后羿,罚他和嫦娥到人间去,过有生老病死的生活。So the Jade Emperor punished Houyi by banishing Houyi and Chang'e to live on earth as mere mortals.

如果认为我们的生老病死只是一堆随机事件将是一件十分诡异的事。It would be strange to really think that everything is some random event where we are born, live then die.

一想到这些生老病死,世事无常,我心里就一直楸着像上了链条。A thought of the illness and death, the world is ever changing, my mind has been on the chain, as the Catalpa.