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离别是甜蜜的凄楚。Parting is such sweet sorrow.

她凄楚地笑了笑,垂下眼睛看着自己胸前。She smiled drearily, looking down upon her bosom.

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不见凄楚,不曾怨恨,不会落泪,顶多是对光阴匆匆的一种感慨。Not sad, never hate, no tears, no time to rush for a feeling.

这一声叫喊又悠长又凄楚,似是长叹,又似是呜咽。It was a long, grieving sound, like a sigh- almost like a sob.

她面容憔悴,目光凄楚,大概是遇到了不幸的事。She looks wan, sallow and miserable, she's probably had some bad luck.

小羊以凄楚的声调咩咩叫,“事实上,那时候我还没有出生。”"In deed, "bleated the Lamb in a wournful tone of voice, "I was not then born.

面对无情的社会压力,一些女性凄楚无奈,选择“以死谢罪”了此残生。The social pressure is so great that some women have even taken their own lives.

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往事如烟,还有挥不去的情缘,让我一个人在寂寞中凄楚伤感。Events of the past, and refuses to go to love, let me alone in the lonely sad sad.

她凄楚的想知道,她到底了解这世界上的哪个人!!!She wondered forlornly if she had ever really understood anyone in the word! ! ! ! !

因此,露西和西德尼·卡登之间的会晤带有一种使我们感到揪心的凄楚的气氛。And so that interview between Lucie and Sydney Carton has a pathos that wrings our hearts.

全篇都在烘托一种阴森、恐怖、病态、毛骨悚然、凄楚可怜的气氛。The whole story is creating an eerie, terrifying, sick, gruesome and miserable atmosphere.

她的死是凄楚的,因为她最后一次久病一直使她痛苦不堪。It was a mercy that she died, for she had been racked with pain through her last long illness.

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我知道,把连自己都宠爱的女儿看作竞争对手肯定会感觉凄楚,可是事情就那样发生着,奈何。I know it feels awful to see your own daughters whom you adore as rivals, but that's what's happening.

她看到离她不远的地方,有一个身材高高的中年男子久久地伫立在一棵树旁,脸色沉郁,神情凄楚。Not far away, she espied a tall man of middle age standing beside a tree with a dour look on his face.

墙头上几根枯草在风中发出稍微凄楚的声音。The breeze swayed a few dry weeds on the crest of the wall, and they gave out a faint, sweet, melancholy sound.

受惊吓的动物发出凄楚的叫声,我差点以为山里所有的熊都要来包围我了。The frightened animal let out such a godforsaken scream that I half expected to be surrounded by every bear in the mountains.

脸上看去永远凄楚欲泪,眼神中有一种担忧,似乎有人要告诉他一个不幸的消息。She had a face that looked permanently near tears, her eyes carried the fear of a person about to be told a piece of very bad news.

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的确,那太伤感了,具有浓厚的悲剧色彩,或许美丽,但却是凄楚的美丽,就像被折断了翅膀的蝴蝶。Indeed, it is too sentimental, which is characteristic of tragedy, perhaps beautiful, but it is pain beauty, like be broken wings butterfly.

她几乎常常中他吃惊,那时他的眼睛显得既不朦胧也不疏远,带着热切而凄楚的神情望着她,使她不知所措。Too often she had surprised him when his eyes were neither drowsy nor remote , when he looked at her with a yearning and a sadness which puzzled her.

尽管索普失去了奥林匹克金牌,晚年境遇凄楚,人们依然几乎一致地推选他为现代最伟大的运动员。Despite his loss of the Olympic gold medals and a sad decline in fortune during his later years, Thorpe was almost unanimously chosen the greatest athlete of modern times.