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那么,希望没有波澜壮阔石破天惊。Well, I hope no great billows and shock.

他想作一名作家而石破天惊。He whelpless ishs to make it for a writer.

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这身份,真可谓石破天惊了!This identity, really it may be said world-shaking!

向他弯起唇角,她美得石破天惊。To he curved lip Cape, she is beautiful world-shaking.

然而,这个小小手套可能会对着我们的脸来一记石破天惊的耳光。but it could be about to give us all a galactic slap in the face.

也就是说这可能会是个突破,是个石破天惊的重大发现。In other words, this could be a breakthrough, a discovery of possibly epic proportions.

世界百米飞人以及他的同胞牙买加人,究竟是怎么取得这石破天惊的成绩的?Flying 100 meters in the world, as well as his fellow Jamaicans , how exactly is it made of the results of The Rock?

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产品既有古老艺术的魅力,又有典雅明快的现代艺术风格,在海内外享有“巧夺天工”、“石破天惊”之盛誉。Products of art both ancient charm, elegance and bright modern art style, at home and abroad enjoy "wonderful", "A Bigger Bang" of reputation.

值得一提的是,它前期的规划、设计秘而不宣,在短短两个月内完成,消息披露时已是石破天惊。It is worth mentioning that it preliminary planning, design undeclared, completed in a short span of two months, when news is breaking disclosure.

动力意图的意义架构对于诊所试验及医学的诊所做法,具有石破天惊的意义。A motor intentional framework of meaning poses dramatic implications for the interpretation of clinical trials and in the clinical practice of medicine.

食物科学更是石破天惊,巴西一位科学家,利用微分化学,找出了叶绿素、酵素的分子式。Advances in food science are even more striking. A Brazilian scientist using micro-molecular chemistry determined the molecular formula of chlorophyll and enzymes.

但是如果他们真心地与全世界人们共享利益,我又要问,一场本世纪最石破天惊的大揭露为何还要等待一年?But if their interest is truly to share with the global population, one of the most earth shaking revelations to occur in centuries, again I must ask why wait a year?

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他能根据需要自如调整比赛的节奏,还拥有独步天下的定位球绝技。斯内德远距离轰门的能力也十分了得,不少石破天惊的远射破门都记在他名下。He can also speed up the play or slow it down when needed, while his set-piece ability is second to none and his long-range shooting has brought him a hatful of spectacular goals.

主教以他的博爱让冉?阿让的心灵受到一种石破天惊的震撼,唤醒了他丢失在心底的善良,为他那坎坷的后半生注满了对生灵的关爱。Bishop Agen Ran his love for the souls of a ground-breaking shock. He lost to awaken in the hearts of the kind of ups and downs in the latter half of his life is full of love and care.

弗爵表示,安德森在周三对阵博卡青年时的那一脚石破天惊的任意球,标志着他将在新赛季开始承担进球的任务。Anderson's stunning strike against Boca Juniors in the Audi Cup in Munich could be just what he needs to begin scoring with regularity this season, according to United boss Sir Alex Ferguson.